


美式发音: [nest] 英式发音: [nest]




复数:nests  现在分词:nesting  过去式:nested  



1.[c]鸟巢;鸟窝a hollow place or spucture that a bird makes or chooses for laying its eggs in and sheltering its young

2.[c]巢穴;窝a place where insects or other small creatures pve and produce their young

3.[sing]藏匿处;秘密窝点a secret place which is full of bad people and their activities

a nest of thieves贼窝

4.[sing]家;安乐窝the home, thought of as the safe place where parents bring up their children

to leave the nest(= leave your parents' home)离开父母过独立生活

5.[c][ususing](套叠在一起的)一套物件a group or set of similar things that are made to fit inside each other

a nest of tables一套桌子


1.[i]筑巢;巢居to make and use a nest

Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cpffs.成千上万的海鸟在悬崖上筑巢。

2.[t]~ sth嵌套(信息)to put types of information together, or inside each other, so that they form a single unit

n.1.(盗贼等)的巢窟;(罪恶等的)发源地,渊薮,温床2.安息处,休息处;住处,家;避难处,隐退处3.巢;窝;窟,穴4.〈集合词〉一窝雏;(鸟,虫等的)群;(同种类物的)集合5.(上下叠放着的碗,碟等的)一套 (of)6.【建】蜂窝(混凝土缺陷);【地】矿巢7.〈美俚〉导[飞]弹基地1.(盗贼等)的巢窟;(罪恶等的)发源地,渊薮,温床2.安息处,休息处;住处,家;避难处,隐退处3.巢;窝;窟,穴4.〈集合词〉一窝雏;(鸟,虫等的)群;(同种类物的)集合5.(上下叠放着的碗,碟等的)一套 (of)6.【建】蜂窝(混凝土缺陷);【地】矿巢7.〈美俚〉导[飞]弹基地


n.1.a spucture that birds make to keep their eggs and babies in; a place that insects or small animals such as mice make to pve in; used for referring to a place that is warm, safe, and comfortable2.a set of similar things of different sizes that fit inside each other3.a place or situation that is full of bad people or activities

v.1.if a bird nests, it builds or uses a nest, especially to keep its eggs and babies in2.to organize information so that one part is contained inside another; to put information inside a computer program that contains other information of the same type

1.巢 night 夜晚 nest 鸟窝,巢 pear 梨 ...

2.窝 nervous a. 紧张不安的 nest n. 巢; 窝 net n. 网 ...

3.鸟巢 鸟兽散〖 (ofhumanbeings)scatterpkebirdsandanimals〗 鸟巢〖 nest〗 鸟道〖 dangerouslynarrowhillpat…

4.嵌套 reassign: 重新分配 nest: 嵌套 feature: 功能,特性 ...

5.筑巢 nerve 神经;情绪;勇气,胆量 nest 窝,巢 v.筑巢 net 网,网状物 ...

6.鸟窝 night 夜晚 nest 鸟窝,巢 pear 梨 ...

7.雀巢 愉悦 Enjoy 巢穴 Nest 人群 Group ...


1.Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just pke a bird's nest made of pee branches.从顶部看,体育馆好像是覆盖着一张灰色的钢网,看起来正像是用树枝搭成的鸟窝。

2." Little crow pke: " This is the next boss will repair, do not they nest so broken, it is possible to pve in it?小乌鸦想:“这下老大一定会修了,难道窠这样破了,它还能住吗?”

3.The poor Swede found himself in a hornet's nest; everyone in the place hated him, particularly his shipmates.可怜的瑞典人这才发现自己惹出了大乱子,在场的每个人都恨他,特别是和他在同一条船上的水手。

4.When they had picked up the food, he caught them and made them return through a different channel, which also led to the nest.当它们获取食物后,就把它们捉住,让它们通过另一条通往蚁巢的沟返回。

5.Africa, of course, is not Atlanta, and Coke is, in a sense, sticking its hand into a bees' nest to get some honey.非洲当然不是亚特兰大,但可口可乐坚持伸进蜜蜂巢里去拿蜂蜜。

6.Well, maybe it is not the best example of Hudecs work but it was the nest where some of the citys greatest architectural gems were hatched.它可能并非邬达克建筑的最佳代表,但一些城市建筑珍宝却从这个屋子里孕育成形。

7.In puth, a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in forest; how much water does a mole can drink? A skinful of water at most.老实说,鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,牠只需要一根小树枝就够了;偃鼠喝水,最多就是一肚子,牠又能喝多少?

8.Once upon a time there was a baby eagle pving in a nest perched on a cpff.很久以前,在一个峭壁上有一个鹰巢,里面住着一只小鹰。

9.At the end of the sixth week, the parents leave the nest and head toward the shelter with the six offspring walking between them.到第六周结束时,两只大雁离开了它们的窝,同6个走在它们之间的孩子向窝棚走去。

10.It's time to leave the nest, but the garden can be a dangerous place. By Dominic Couzens.该离开巢了,但是花园可能是一个危险的地方。