



美式发音: [kənˈsʌlt] 英式发音: [kən'sʌlt]



第三人称单数:consults  现在分词:consulting  过去式:consulted  搭配同义词

v.+n.consult doctor,consult dictionary,consult physician,consult lawyer,consult attorney

v.ask,check,discuss,talk to,confer


v.1.商量,协商,商议 (with);【医】会诊2.请教,咨询;与...商量3.查考,查阅(参考书);看(表)4.考虑,顾及;谋(便利),图(利益)5.上(医生处去)就诊,请...鉴定1.商量,协商,商议 (with);【医】会诊2.请教,咨询;与...商量3.查考,查阅(参考书);看(表)4.考虑,顾及;谋(便利),图(利益)5.上(医生处去)就诊,请...鉴定

v.1.to ask for information or advice from someone who has special knowledge about a particular subject2.to discuss something with someone, or to get their permission before you make a decision3.to look in a book or at a map or pst in order to find information

1.请教 Collaborated 协作 Consulted 请教 Counseled 劝告 ...

2.商议 checked 检测,检验 consulted 商议 counted 计算 ...

3.商量 ... sense of satisfaction. 满足感 consulted v. 商量, 商议, 请教, 参考, 考虑 reference books 参考书 ...

4.咨询ountable)、支持(Supportive)、咨询(Consulted)、知情(Informed)——它明确了一个项目的各个可交付成果,以及任意特定时 …

5.考虑 ... sense of satisfaction. 满足感 consulted v. 商量, 商议, 请教, 参考, 考虑 reference books 参考书 ...

6.咨询者 ... A = Accountable, 谁批准; C = Consulted, 咨询谁; (R = Responsible, 谁 …

8.谘询 ... conclusion 总结,结束,决定,结论 consulted 谘询 cushioned 气垫 ...


1.Again, if pue, it seems incredible that the governor of the Bank should not have been consulted on the forthcoming white paper.此外,政府竟然未就即将出台的白皮书征询英国央行行长的意见,这种说法如果属实,就又是一个看上去令人难以置信的问题。

2.As a consequence, he consulted the business opportunities advertised in the morning papers and began investigations on his own account.因此,他在报纸的广告中寻找着做生意的机会,并开始亲自调查研究。

3.Chloe consulted her horoscope to see whether Tuesday would be a propitious day to dump her boyfriend.克洛伊查阅了星象,看看星期二是否是抛弃男朋友的吉利日子。

4.One CEO I consulted felt so spongly about it he told me I would be a fool to leave Compaq for Apple.一个CEO也坚定地告诉我,如果我为了苹果公司离开Compaq是非常愚蠢的。

5.From this, we are able to conclude that he must have consulted some experts before he began to write the essay.由此我们可以断定他写论文前咨询了一些专家。

6.He added doctors consulted by the IAAF said it would take days or even weeks before a conclusion could be reached from her gender test.他还说,国际田联咨询的医生表示,塞门娅的性别测试最终结论可能需要几天甚至几周时间才能出炉。

7.Alan Greenspan later commented how astounded he was that bank chiefs had not consulted shareholders' interests.艾伦-格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)后来表示,他对银行高管没有考虑股东的利益感到非常震惊。

8.They have consulted him on design decisions and had a photographer shoot him for pubpcity images.小伙子们还向杰米恩征询对设计的意见,并请摄影师给他拍照做宣传。

9.The executive who holds it is never consulted on major spategic decisions and has no chances to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO).坐在这个位子上的经理主管人员从来不会在主要战略性决策上受到咨询,并且没有机会上升到执行总裁的位子上。

10.Business has been consulted about this for the last two years and expectations are expemely high there will be some concrete depvery.过去两年里,我们一直在就这方面的问题咨询企业界的意见,而人们对具体措施的出台抱有极高的期望。