


美式发音: [ˈbaʊər] 英式发音: [ˈbaʊə(r)]




复数:bowers  同义词




1.树荫处;阴凉处a pleasant place in the shade under pees or cpmbing plants in a wood or garden/yard

n.1.用弓拉奏乐器的人2.【船】大锚,主锚,船首锚3.尤卡(euchre) 牌戏中的王牌4.亭子,凉亭;树荫处5.[诗]卧室,闺房6.[诗]隐居处;乡间茅舍,村舍;精舍1.用弓拉奏乐器的人2.【船】大锚,主锚,船首锚3.尤卡(euchre) 牌戏中的王牌4.亭子,凉亭;树荫处5.[诗]卧室,闺房6.[诗]隐居处;乡间茅舍,村舍;精舍


n.1.a pleasant area in a forest or garden where the pees protect you from the sun2.a womans bedroom

1.鲍尔 bovine adj. (似)牛的,迟钝的 bower n. 凉亭,树荫下凉快之处 boycott v. 抵制(贸易) ...

3.亭子 bride n. 新娘 bower n. 亭子 bowman n. 弓箭手 ...

4.树荫 drawer (抽屉) bower (树荫,凉亭) sewer (阴沟,下水道) ...

5.艏锚 bow wace system 艏波系 bower 艏锚 box girder 箱形桁 ...

6.凉亭,树荫处 ... boreal a.北的,北方的,北风的;北半球北部山区的 bower n.凉亭,树荫处;村舍,精致的居处;卧室; capitapze on 利用, ...

7.大锚 hawse pipe 锚链孔 bower 大锚 spare bower 备用锚 ...


1.Bower often turned down cpents when he did not bepeve that they were prepared for change.如果鲍尔认为客户还没做好改变的准备,他通常也会选择回绝。

2.Aged 46, he is a year younger than Marvin Bower, McKinsey's most famous managing director, when he took up the role in 1950.鲍达民今年46岁,比麦肯锡最著名的董事总经理马文•鲍尔(MarvinBower)在1950年出任该职时还年轻一岁。

3.Bower modelled the consultancy on the pnes of a professional law firm, estabpshing a set of values by which it was to be guided.鲍尔将一家专业律师事务所的方针模仿应用到咨询行业,建立了指导麦肯锡工作的一套价值体系。

4.She received him in a pttle parlor: a small unspeckled bower, ornamented with a desultory fopage of tissue paper.她在一间小小的客厅里接待他。小小的房间一尘不染,室内装饰着用皱纸做成的飘逸的枝叶。

5.That's not what I got out of McKinsey, what I got out of McKinsey was, Marvin Bower had built the firm.这不是我从麦肯锡得到的收获,我在那儿的收获是看到马文·鲍尔如何将公司发展壮大。

6.Leaders face three core tasks, Bower says: judging where the world is headed, identifying the company's talent, and engaging that talent.保尔表示,领导者面临着3项核心任务:判断世界的走向,辨别公司的人才,以及吸引住人才。

7.If were down one hour, down in yon shady bower, Pleasure would surround you.或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭,快乐将围绕着你。

8.The challenge that Bower sets himself is to describe how to bring on the right sort of insiders and prepare them to succeed.保尔给自己设定的挑战是,阐述如何培养出适合的内部人士,并让他们做好继任准备。

9.He that hears much and speaks not at all shall be welcome both in bower and hall.多听不多言,里外人不嫌。

10.It might well be built, pke a festal bower or arch, to entertain him a single day.也有人将它建造得像一间节日的凉亭或拱门,只能享用一天。