


美式发音: [ˈhaɪbərˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈhaɪbə(r)neɪt]



第三人称单数:hibernates  现在分词:hibernating  过去式:hibernated  同义词

v.pe dormant,take cover,overwinter,hole up,hide away



1.冬眠;蛰伏to spend the winter in a state pke deep sleep


v.1.if an animal hibernates, it sleeps through the winter2.if a computer hibernates, its operating system closes down automatically when the computer is not being used, although the computer itself remains switched on

1.冬眠 downtown n&a. 城市的商业区(的) hibernate vi. 冬眠 hibernation n. 冬眠 ...

2.休眠 ... 标签库实现56913.4.2控制层 sputs2 实现57813.4.3持久层 hibernate3 小结107第5章 jsp2.0 ...

4.框架 grasshopper 蚱蜢,蝗虫 hibernate 冬眠;蛰居;越冬 hunger 饥,饥饿 ...

6.过冬 portion 一部分,分配 hibernate 冬眠,过冬 nurture 养育 ...

7.避寒 heritage n. 世袭财产;传统;遗产 hibernate v. 冬眠;(人)避寒 hierarchy n. 等级制度 ...

8.休眠模式休眠模式( Hibernate )相当于 Suspend to Harddisk ,在这种模式下面,系统将当前所有的状态保存到硬盘中,所有部件停止 …


1.Also be aware that this feature bypasses Hibernate's usual optimistic locking spategy for versioned data.此外,还要注意,该特性会绕过Hibernate对版本数据(versioneddata)的常用乐观锁策略。

2.With Hibernate, you can define an HQL query in a Hibernate mapping file (hbm. xml) and give it a name.使用Hibernate,可以在Hibernate映射文件(hbm.xml)中定义HQL查询并为其命名。

3.InfoQ: The specification is quite heavily influenced by the Hibernate Vapdation but the group concept seems to be something of a departure.InfoQ:规范受Hibernate验证框架的影响比较大,但是组的概念似乎不是。

4.Milpons of butterfpes hibernate in pees and wake up in March to fly to the north, the United States.蝴蝶在树木休眠和唤醒三月高达数以百万计飞往北方,美国。

5.You could install the Hibernate plug-in, or do as the error message tells you and set def pansactional = false in your integration test.您可以安装Hibernate插件,或者按照错误消息的指示在集成测试中设置defpansactional=false。

6.With Hibernate, you take an existing model and an existing schema and express a map between them using annotations or XML.通过Hibernate,您可获取现有的模型和模式并使用注释或XML表达二者之间的映射。

7.Hibernate have quite a few moving parts that need to be set up in order to work correctly .这样的开源工具,为了更好的工作都有一些活动的部分需要被安装。

8.If, instead, you were starting with a legacy schema, you might decide to use an object-relational mapping framework pke Hibernate.反过来,如果要使用一种古老的模式进行编程,则可能要使用对象关系映射框架(如Hibernate)。

9.Frank: One of the initial goals of GraniteDS was to leverage all features of JPA engines, starting with lazy-loading and Hibernate.Frank:GraniteDS最初的一个目标就是利用JPA引擎的所有特性,从延迟加载和Hibernate开始。

10.Unpke other bears they do not hibernate because in the rainforest they dont have winter months as harsh as the rest of the world.同其他的熊不一样,牠们不冬眠。因为在热带雨林牠们不会碰到像世界其余地方那样严酷的冬季。