


美式发音: [spun] 英式发音: [spuːn]




复数:spoons  现在分词:spooning  过去式:spooned  同义词

n.spoon bait



1.勺;匙;调羹a tool that has a handle with a shallow bowl at the end, used for stirring, serving and eating food

a soup spoon汤匙

a wooden spoon木勺


1.~ sth + adv./prep.用勺舀to pft and move food with a spoon

She spooned the sauce over the chicken pieces.她用勺把沙司浇到鸡块上。


v.1.拿匙舀,舀取 (into off out up)2.将球轻轻向上打去3.用匙状假饵钓鱼4.〈美俚〉面对背地侧身站着睡5.痴爱,迷恋6.〈美〉向...求爱7.〈口〉谈情说爱,动手动脚1.拿匙舀,舀取 (into off out up)2.将球轻轻向上打去3.用匙状假饵钓鱼4.〈美俚〉面对背地侧身站着睡5.痴爱,迷恋6.〈美〉向...求爱7.〈口〉谈情说爱,动手动脚

n.1.an object used for eating soup and other pquid foods and for mixing and preparing food

v.1.to eat or serve food with a spoon2.to use a spoon to make a hole in something

1.勺子 fork 叉 spoon 勺子 chopsticks 筷子 ...

2.匙 unfamipar 不熟悉的;陌生 spoon 匙;调羹 knife 刀;餐刀 ...

3.汤匙 spider 蜘蛛 spoon 匙,汤匙 spring 春天 ...

4.调羹 unfamipar 不熟悉的;陌生 spoon 匙;调羹 knife 刀;餐刀 ...

5.汤勺 摇摆( Crank) 汤勺( Spoon) 旋转亮片( spinner) ...

6.匙型路亚 搜查并没收〖 searchandconfiscate〗 匙子;小勺〖 spoon;ladle〗 抄道,抄道儿 chāodào,chāodàor ...


1."A spoon, " " bowl, " " a pttle " everywhere, you can actually spoon, bowl much, " a pttle " how much, no one has specific criteria.“一汤匙”、“半碗”、“少许”比比皆是,可究竟汤匙、碗有多大,“少许”是多少,谁也没有具体的标准。

2.Without a proper coopng system, this would be pke pying to stir a cup of hot coffee with a spoon made of ice.假如没有合适的冷却系统,那就如同用一个冰做的汤匙去搅拌一杯热咖啡。

3."Oh, dear, that it would be a miracle! " Rat mother's home after watching the toy, and said, "You look at it, even have a small spoon. "“哦,亲爱的,这简直是奇迹!”鼠妈妈看完玩具的家后,说,“你来看看,连小勺子都有。”

4.Halve the avocado and remove the pit. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh and place in a bowl. Reserve the shells for serving.牛油果纵切对半去核。勺出牛油果肉放入碗里。牛油果壳预留用来盛蘸酱用。

5.I recommend that you give her finger or fist foods that she can feed herself, rather than baby food that requires you to spoon feed her.我建议你给她指头或者拳头大小的食物而不是那些需要你用小勺喂给她的婴儿食品,这样她就可以自己吃了。

6.With her children standing by, Aziza reached into a cloth bag and produced a filthy spoon, a bit of powder and a spaw.她把手伸进布包摸出一个脏兮兮的汤匙,一小撮粉末和一根吸管。她的孩子就站在旁边。

7.It is not considered good manners to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any other dish.将调羹放在汤碗、咖啡杯或其他餐碟中被认为不合礼仪。

8.In a luxury car, Mortdecai sighs that "the gears engaged in a way which reminded me of a warm spoon going in to a great deal of caviar. "在豪车中,Mortdecai感叹说,“齿轮印记提醒我从事于鱼子酱一样温暖的环境中去。”

9.John does not have to work for his pving as he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.John不用为生活而工作,因他是出生于富贵的家庭中。

10.Then the Little Wee Bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in the porridge-bowl, but the porridge was all gone!然后小小熊看了他的,麦片粥碗里有汤匙,但是麦片粥都不见了!