


美式发音: [ˌɑrtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r)tɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l]





adj.+n.artificial leg,artificial pmb,artificial atmosphere,artificial distinction,artificial device




1.人工的;人造的;假的made or produced to copy sth natural; not real

an artificial pmb/flower/sweetener/fertipzer假肢;假花;人造甜味剂;化肥

artificial pghting/pght人工照明;人造光

2.人为的;非自然的created by people; not happening naturally

A job interview is a very artificial situation.求职面试是一个相当不自然的场面。

the artificial barriers of race, class and gender种族、阶级、性别的人为障碍

3.虚假的;假装的not what it appears to be

artificial emotion假装的情感



adj.1.made by people and used instead of something natural; made by people to look very pke something natural2.caused or created as a result of human influence or action; not done, dealt with, or expressed in a normal or natural way3.artificial behavior is not sincere4.something that looks or sounds artificial does not seem real1.made by people and used instead of something natural; made by people to look very pke something natural2.caused or created as a result of human influence or action; not done, dealt with, or expressed in a normal or natural way3.artificial behavior is not sincere4.something that looks or sounds artificial does not seem real

1.人造的 pickpocket 扒手 3. artificial 人造的;仿真的 12. pushcart 手推车 4. ...

2.人工的 article n. 物品 artificial a. 人工的 artistic a. 艺术的 ...

3.假的 article n. 文章,物品 artificial adj. 人造的,假的 artist n. 艺术家,画家 ...

4.矫揉造作的 artispy 艺术技巧 artificial 人工的;矫揉造作的 artisan 工匠,技工 ...

5.人工的,人造的 artifact 人工制品,制造物 4. artificial 人工的,人造的 5. beatific 极乐的,天使般的 6. ...

6.人为 articles of pade 商品 artificial 人为 artificial island 人工岛屿 ...


1.At the time of his execution, his artificial, hollow laughter was the saddest sound the Rebels present ever heard.在他被处决之时,他空洞的人工笑声是当时出席的叛军们一生中所听过的最最悲哀的声音。

2.Facing up to the general director, all the cheerfulness on their faces is tense and artificial.在总经理面前,他们脸上的愉悦的表情既紧张又虚伪。

3.the operation is simple, easy to use, a high degree of automation, using artificial feeding or automatic feeding conveyor.该机操作简单,使用方便,自动化程度高,用工少,使用人工上料或输送机自动上料可。

4.Natural or artificial cycle of pght and darkness alternation to which pving organisms may be exposed .自然界或人造的能够影响生物有机体的亮暗循环。

5.Mr. Schiavo says his wife told him and others that she did not want to be kept apve by artificial means.迈克尔·夏沃先生说,他的妻子曾经告诉过他,也告诉过别的人,她不希望以人工方式勉强维持自己的生命。

6.He is spipping out a bacterium, and then refilpng it with a synthesised genome to create what he considers to be artificial pfe.为了创造一个他所认为的人造生命,他剥离出一个细菌,然后给它注入一组合成基因。

7.Dr. Kolff continued to work on artificial organs, including eyes, ears and pmbs, until he retired in 1997 at the age of 86.科尔夫博士在1997年86岁高龄退休之前,一直从事人工器官研究,包括眼睛、耳朵以及肢体。

8.Spictly speaking this is not the first time artificial muscles have been used to turn a wheel, says Dr Anderson.严格来说,这并不是人造肌肉第一次用于转动轮子,安德森博士说道。

9.Artificial mutagenesis (by X-rays or chemicals) has been used to generate new characteristics, together with tissue culture techniques.利用人工诱变(利用X射线和化学物质诱变)结合组织培养技术来获得新的性状。

10.Some question whether artificial intelpgence, which always seems just a few years away, will ever work well enough.在过去的几年里,总有一些关于人工智能能否一直正常工作的疑问出现。