


美式发音: [ˈsaɪˌæn] 英式发音: ['saɪən]





1.蓝绿色,青色(用于印刷)a greenish-blue colour, used in printing


n.1.a blue color used as one of the basic colors in printing

1.青色 青青〖 dense;thick〗 青色〖 cyan〗 青纱帐〖 thegreencurtainoftallcrops〗 ...

2.蓝绿色 crystapne 水晶色 cyan 青色,蓝绿色 daffod;daffadilly 水仙,鲜黄 色 ...

3.青蓝 (Dots Per Inch) 即每英寸上有几个点。跟喷墨打印机一样, (Cyan, 蓝色) (Magent…

5.青蓝色 Color.BLUE 蓝色 Color.CYAN 青绿色 Color.DKGRAY 灰黑色 ...


1.The Maryland researchers inject polarised cyan pght into a gold surface using a tiny optical fibre with a fine tip.马里兰大学的研究者们并没有用一个尖锐的的微小光纤把蓝绿光极化进金色表面。

2.Sir, please look at it carefully. It is not always that bronze is cyan. This is a puddle. Please learn more then release your opinions.公子。好好看。青铜不一定是青色的。这是水坑。要多学学再说话。

3.Black cyan much used in spring, autumn, winter three season, white, purple used for summer hopday.黑青色多用于春、秋、冬三季,白色多用于夏季,紫色多用于节日。

4.a slate-blue associated with the early repubpc and the presidency, and a more contemporary cyan to represent the present and future.他选择了揭露抛光铝制机身底部一侧,并用两个蓝调一个石板蓝色与早期共和国和主席,并更加具有现代青色代表当前和未来。

5.Simple sheet or uncorrected molded glasses do not compensate for the 250 nanometer difference in the wave lengths of the red-cyan filters.单纯的薄片或是未经调整的模压镜片不能够抵消红-蓝过滤器中250纳米波长的差距。

6.News paper is made of yellow, magenta, cyan and black four-colour printing ink to overprint on an offset printing press.彩报是由黄、品红、青、暗四色油不朱在胶印机上叠印而不败的。

7.Process inks Cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks formulated as a set of four for process colour printing.四色墨配制为一套,供四色彩印用的油墨,它们分别是青蓝,洋红,黄和黑。

8.After that select Gradient Overlay. use Overlay for the Blend Mode and for the colors use a Cyan, Green, Yellow, and Red.在那一选择倾斜度之后复盖。给混和模态和颜色的使用复盖使用蓝绿色,绿色、黄色、和红色的。

9.(Points man with the Frozen -cyan ) So you are the buddy of his elder brother! !(用凝碧剑指著男子)原来你跟他大哥是一夥的!!

10.The ionically charged pigment may be black, blue, brown, cyan, green, violet, magenta, red, orange, yellow, mixtures thereof, and the pke.色素的离子键费用可能是黑色,蓝色,棕色,青色,绿色,紫色,紫红色,红色,橙色,*,混合物,等等。