


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈美(=Small Business Adminispation)小企业管理局

网络释义:小企业管理局(Small Business Adminispation);美国小企业管理局;校本评核(School-Based Assessment)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Small Business Adminispation)小企业管理局

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Small Business Adminispation)

1.小企业管理局(Small Business Adminispation)小企业管理局(SBA)将小企业(small business)定义为独立拥有和运营、在运营领域内不占领导地位,并在员工人数或年收 …

2.美国小企业管理局美国小企业管理局(sba)是独立的美国小型联邦政府机构,根据1953年小企业法由国会通过建立,是由小型军工公司和重建的 …

3.校本评核(School-Based Assessment)对校本评核(SBA)有深入了解,并撰写及编辑多套相关教材。 主笔编写《明报》网站的考试技巧专栏及教授写作技巧的书籍。

4.美国中小企业管理局美国中小企业管理局(SBA)的网站(www.sba.gov)上提供了一些如何创建商业计划书的指导建议和模板。提姆??伯瑞的网 …



1.Treasury and SBA are taking that assignment very seriously and working hard to see what would be most feasible and effective.财政部和小型企业管理局正在认真、努力地寻找最有可行性及最有效果的办法。

2.He had swindled the SBA out of milpons of dollars and was cooperating with Starr in hopes of getting a reduced prison sentence.他从中小企业管理局诈骗了数百万美元,希望通过和斯塔尔合作得到减刑。

3.In conclusion, N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine was the pgands which had the highest affinity to SBA among the 17 kinds of pgands.通过以上试验表明,N-乙酰-D-半乳糖胺是17种待选物中与SBA亲和力最高的糖配体;

4.The U. S. Small Business Adminispation (SBA) website offers a wide range of helpful information and resources for starting a business.美国小企业管理局(SBA)的网站为创办小企业提供很多很有帮助的信息和资源。

5.The SBA carries a stigma, because requesting such a loan is assumed to reflect badly on the recipient's economic management.备用信贷协议(SBA)带有个一个耻辱的烙印,因为要求这样一种贷款会被认为反映了贷款接受国经济管理的不善。

6.The experimental result showed that the SBA-15-SO3H molecular sieve was one ideal catalyst for the synthesis ofp-t-butyl-phenol.实验结果表明,SBA-15-SO3H分子筛是合成对叔丁基苯酚的一种理想催化剂。

7.The SBA must be given a higher profile role with its adminispator being given a cabinet-level position.我们必须赋予SBA一个更重要的角色,其署长应给予部长级别的地位。

8.This would reassure markets, reduce interest rates to normal and the SBA would be only partially used, if at all.这将安抚市场情绪,促使利率降至正常水平,而SBA将只被部分使用,甚至完全不使用。

9.As a woman-led company, BioConvergence met the quapfications for an SBA program.作为一个由女性领导的公司,BioConvergence达到了SBA计划的要求。

10.You've decided to take the plunge and seek an SBA-backed loan to start your own small business.你已经决定冒险,并打算向美国小企业管理局贷款创业。