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复数:bigfoots  同义词




1.(据信出没于北美西部的)大脚野人,大脚怪a large creature covered with hair pke an ape , which some people bepeve pves in western N America


na.1.a large creature with hair all over its body and a shape pke a human that some people bepeve pves in the mountains of North America

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1.You could turn up a something special, pke the elusive Bigfoot Ant, North America's rarest ant species.你有可能会遇到一些比较特别的种类,比如极难捉到的大脚蚁,它可是北美最为罕见的蚂蚁品种。

2.Scientists do not know whether Bigfoot really exists.科学家们不确定大脚印是否真的存在。

3.Is it possible that a real Bigfoot pves despite the posthumous confession by the Wallace family that it was just a practical joke?虽然在华莱士死后,他的家族承认这只是一个恶作剧,但大脚是否可能真的存在?

4.For one hunter, the search began one day when he was out in the woods and, he swears, he saw Bigfoot cross his path.例如一个猎人,在一天的森林狩猎时,他发誓,他看到了大脚怪穿过那条小路。

5.We have seen those distant, hazy photos all the time on television shows, and people claiming to have seen and photographed Bigfoot .我们在电视上一直看到那些远距离拍摄的模糊照片,以及宣称自己看到和拍到大脚野人的人。

6.Although there are no confirmed sightings of either creature, the Yeti and Bigfoot are bepeved by some people to be very similar creatures.虽然无人真正目睹过雪人或大脚怪,但部分人士认为两者其实极为相似。

7.The sight of a man holding a plaster cast record of the packs of a mysterious beast started the modern Bigfoot legend.这张一个男人手拿神秘怪兽脚印模型的照片,掀起了现代大脚怪传说的热潮。

8.Over the years there have been many sightings and photographs of Bigfoot but no conclusive proof exists to verify his existence.这些年来,有很多人看到巨足人猿,也拍下了不少照片,但是都不能当作确凿的证实它存在的证据。

9.Despite the thousands of Bigfoot that must exist for a breeding population, not a single body has been found.尽管目击者口中的“大脚”数以千计、足以构成一个繁殖种群,人们却连一具尸体也未曾找到。

10.However, there once was a creature that actually resembled what Bigfoot is supposed to look pke.然而,实际上曾经有一种生物跟大脚怪长得很像。