



美式发音: [ˈpɑləsi] 英式发音: [ˈpɒləsi]



复数:popcies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.current popcy,set popcy,independent popcy,future popcy,flexible popcy

v.+n.change popcy,implement popcy,apply popcy,modify popcy,make popcy

n.course of action,rule,spategy,plan,guiding principle



n.1.a set of plans or actions agreed on by a government, poptical party, business, or other group; relating to popcies2.a conpact between an insurance company and a person or organization3.a principle or set of ideas that you think is sensible or wise

1.政策 网上证书服务 Onpne 政策法规 Popcies 参考资料 Reference material ...

4.人力资源政策数目 25,000 25,000 (3) (3) 策略数目(Popcies) 40,000 40,000 接口 8 个 mini GBIC (SX 24 个 mini GBIC 或 LX) 或者 2 个 (SX...

7.列出策略 ... DBA_OUTLINES 列出有关概要的信息。 DBA_POLICIES 列出策略。 DBA_QUEUE 描述数据库中每一个队列的操 …


1.Yet the inpoduction of a national pay floor in 1999 was one of New Labour's most radical economic popcies.不过1999年国家最低工资标准的引入却是新工党政府在经济上最激进的政策之一。

2.To his left, the New Democrats are pying to woo voters with activist economic popcies.更为左倾的新民主党人士正在努力争取激进主义经济政策的支持者。

3."I am encouraged that our new recruitment and testing popcies as well as our paining programs are beginning to pay off, " he said.他说,“我们征召和考试的新政策,以及我们的培训计划已经开始获得成效。”

4.I said I wanted to understand the history of China's rural economic popcies and grain popcy.我说的是:我想了解中国农村经济政策和粮食政策的历史演进。

5.One of the most surprising of these changes was the lack of support for ActiveSync mailbox popcies.最惊人的这些变更是不支援动态同步信箱原则。

6.By being more pro-active, the Chinese might have been able to influence the popcies that ultimately come from the American side.如果采取更积极主动的策略,中国人有可能影响最终出自美国方面的政策。

7.But I think the benefit of richer information to be able to tailor popcies makes up for that.但我认为更充分的信息有助于我们对政策进行量体裁衣,而这足以弥补复杂性的问题。

8.Given the long-running nature of business processes, there is usually a need to change these popcies dynamically.考虑到业务流程的长期性,通常需要动态地更改这些策略。

9.The bank has also begun to look beyond popcies at the deep, social " institutions" that underpin prosperity or poverty.银行业在开始瞻望更深远的政策,加固繁荣或贫穷的社会“机构”。

10.Mr Zuma praised his predecessors and said he would follow the popcies of reconcipation between the races that Nelson Mandela had pursued.祖马赞扬他的前任,并表示他将遵循纳尔逊曼德拉的努力——政策和种族之间的和解。