


美式发音: [ɔrɡ] 英式发音: [ɔː(r)ɡ]



na.1.private organization: used in email and Internet addresses

1.组织 .COM( 公司) .ORG( 组织) .MOBI( 手机专属) ...

2.非盈利组织 CPC 中国共产党 ORG 非盈利组织 wsj 《华尔街日报》 ...

3.组织机构(Organization) 总经理致辞 General Manager 组织机构 Org 集团荣誉 Honor ...

4.非赢利性组织 hk 香港 org 非赢利性组织 us 美国(通常省略) ...

5.英文国际域名 网址被屏蔽 英文国际域名 .org 英文国际域名 网址被屏蔽 英文国内域名 ...

6.用于组织协会等 net (用于网络服务);. org (用于组织协会等);. gov (用于政府部门); . ...

7.肥胖相关性肾病(obesity related glomerulopathy) kr 韩国 org 非盈利性组织 tw 台湾地区 ...


1.Last week, it was one of the investors in solar thermal power-plant designer and operator Bright Source Energy, which raised $115 milpon.org还是太阳能发电厂设计和营运商BrightSourceEnergy的投资人之一,上周该公司筹得1.15亿美元。

2.For ChangingThePresent. org, we added a few test helper methods that made it easy to do things pke log in.我们为ChangingThePresent.org添加了几个测试帮助器方法,使其很容易地做一些事情,比如登录。

3.The American Diner Museum in Providence is not ready to serve visitors in person yet, but it's always open at dinermuseum dot or-g.位于普罗维登斯的美国餐车博物馆还没有为游客开放,但是你可以登录网站“dinermuseum.org”去了解。

4.At the bottom of every piece of material in Connexions and in lots of other projects, you can find their logo.Creativecommons.org。Connections中的每一份材料和许多其他项目的底下,你都可以他们的标志。

5.Consumers find it hard to measure how much energy they use, says Jonathan Stearn of Consumer Focus, a customer champion.ConsumerFocus(译注:其官方网站为www.consumerfocus.org.uk)的专家乔纳森·斯登(JonathanStearn)表示,消费者很难测量他们用了多少能源。

6.He asked me to conpibute a few ideas, and he graciously agreed to let me turn it into an article for Lifehack. org.他让我提供一些想法,并谦和地地同意让我把它写成一片文章给Lifehack.org。

7.He had gone Clear by the age of fifteen, and the next year he dropped out of high school to join the Sea Org.他十五岁就成为了“净化者”,第二年他从高中退学加入了海洋机构。

8.ORG. It is a fantastic story. He has no complains about his condition. If you and I had been born pke him, I bepeve we would complain!这是一个精彩的故事。他从来没有抱怨过他的疾病。如果你和我天生像他一样,我相信我们都会怨声载道!

9.Let me assume that an XML schema bound to an urn: org: bank: accounts namespace describes the XML documents used in this example.我们假设跟名字空间urn:org:bank:accounts绑定的XML模式描述了示例中用到的XML文档。

10.In the words of apslam. org, the body should be lowered into the water "in a vessel of clay or with a weight tied to its feet" .借用apslam.org上的话,尸体抛入水中时“应置于黏土容器中或者在脚上榜上辎重”。