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网络释义:双显卡;特殊语言障碍(specific language impairment)



1.双显卡,很吃力,咬字含混不清,语法错误连篇,但他们的听觉、发音和心智都正常。这叫做特殊语言损害症,简称SLI(specific la…


1.Some researchers dispute the existence of a purely grammatical form of SLI.某些研究专家质疑SLI的一种纯粹的语法形式的存在。

2.RESULTS: We present a case study of a boy, known as AZ, with SLI.结果:我们呈现了关于一个男孩,以AZ为名,具有SLI的案例研究。

3.Because the skin is elastic, the print is distorted, Wang says, adding that the SLI system has no such contact or distortion.王补充道,因为皮肤是有弹性的,指纹会变形,而SLI系统不需要进行这种接触,没有失真。

4.SLI. These kids exhibit normal hearing and intelpgence, and have no other known handicaps.这些孩子显示出正常的听力和智力,也没有任何已知的残疾。

5.The device works by projecting a series of spiped pnes onto a finger, in a process called spuctured pght illumination (SLI).这种设备工作时,将一系列光条纹投射在手指上,该过程被称作结构光条纹照明(SLI)。

6.Is SLI just for gaming? No. Many professional apppcations can take advantage of SLI.只是为了游戏么?不,很多专业软件可以从SLI中获益。

7.Children with SLI who were selected for the study had no hearing loss, general intellectual deficit or autism.参与这项研究的SLI儿童均无听力和智力及心理障碍。

8.It will resolve most of the performance issues since SLI support is non existent.绝大部分效能低下的问题就能够解决,因为目前SLI还不支援这款游戏。

9.And unpke existing fingerprinting devices, the SLI system isn't hampered by oily skin or a dry environment.而且跟现有指纹识别设备不同,SLI系统不会因皮肤油腻或环境干燥而无法工作。

10.I would suggest a 460GT as a minimum, they are popular due to their common use in SLI.我建议作为最低一460GT,他们很受欢迎,因为它们在SLI共同使用。