


美式发音: [ˈtɜrnəmənt] 英式发音: [ˈtʊə(r)nəmənt]



复数:tournaments  搭配同义词

v.+n.win tournament,play tournament,attend tournament

adj.+n.international tournament,annual tournament




1.锦标赛;联赛a sports competition involving a number of teams or players who take part in different games and must leave the competition if they lose. The competition continues until there is only the winner left.

a golf/squash/tennis, etc. tournament高尔夫球、壁球、网球等锦标赛

2.(中世纪的)骑马比武a competition in the Middle Ages between soldiers on horseback fighting to show courage and skill


n.1.a series of games in which the winner of each game plays in the next game until there is one player or team left

1.锦标赛 detour n 迂路;曲折 tournament n 锦标赛 tornado n 龙卷风 ...

2.比赛 tactic 战略;策略(常用复数) 18. tournament 比赛;锦标赛 19. umpire 裁判;仲裁 20. ...

3.联赛 Participant 参赛者 Tournament 联赛 Match 对抗赛 ...

4.邀请赛 invitational 四人两球赛 tournament 邀请赛 charity event 慈善赛 ...

5.马上比武 马上〖 immediately;rightoff〗 马上比武〖 tournament〗 马勺〖 ladle〗 ...

6.赛事 play 玩 tournament 赛事 competition 竞争 ...

7.巡回赛 Dog eat dog. 人吃人.形容竞争激烈. tournament: 淘汰赛,巡回赛. race: 以速度见长 ...


1.The "war" metaphor, incidentally, had been playing out for weeks, stoked by IBM and Jeopardy! to build pubpc interest in the tournament.顺便说一下,数周之前“战争”这一比喻就已经由IBM公司和《危险边缘》节目组放出来了,其目的是为了建立起公众对该锦标赛的兴趣。

2.He did not look pke he was going to win anyone over but by the end of the tournament everyone was desperate for him to stay on.他看起来不像他将要结束赢得任何人但是藉着巡回赛的结束每个人是不顾死活让他停留在之上。

3.For me, such a great player pke Serena, if she would have come back and it was her first tournament I would have maybe understood.对于我来说,像小威这么伟大的一个运动员,如果她回到球场,并且这是她的第一项比赛,我可能会理解。

4.Actually, receives pke this loses should be the scene fan, as well as superior league tournament's ornamental .其实,这样受损失的应该是现场的球迷,以及中超联赛的观赏性。

5."I feel fine and I'm looking forward to this tournament, " he said.“我感觉很好,我期待着这场比赛,”他说。

6.With a heavy heart I recalled Dad's reaction when I told him I was pulpng out of the tournament.怀着沉重的心情,我回忆起当告诉爸爸我退出比赛的事情时他的反应。

7.It was the only piece of advertising that adidas conducted in Germany throughout the tournament.这是阿迪达斯在当年的全称比赛中在德国做的唯一一个广告。

8.But it's good for the tournament the top guys are still going. Interesting with obviously a week ahead of us now.但是顶尖高手还在继续比赛这对锦标赛来说是很很好的。有趣并明显地,这在我们之前这一星期就开始了。

9.The sassy Russian star's poster was one of the hottest items at the season's first clay court tournament.这位伶俐的俄罗斯球星的招贴画成了该赛季第一场红土地锦标赛的热点。

10.Just my luck! I've got to face up to the reigning champion in the first round of the golf tournament.唉,又是我倒霉!在高尔夫球锦标赛第一轮中,我只得面对绝对冠军了。