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网络释义:新一代测序(Next-Generation Sequencing);新一代测序技术;下一代测序



1.新一代测序(Next-Generation Sequencing)尽管新一代测序(NGS)的通量越来越高,而费用越来越低,但它仍不是大多数遗传实验室的可行选择。对于复杂疾病的研究 …

2.新一代测序技术新一代测序技术(ngs)摒弃了必须依赖电泳胶或引物作为筛分介质,也无需预知基因组序列的相关信息。此类高通量技术提高了 …

3.下一代测序下一代测序(NGS)彻底改变了基因组学研究领域,使全基因组测序比以往任何时候都 更有效率。然而,典型的NGS 工作流程 …


1.The general characteristic of Feimi ngs fiction is "reapstic" , which makes his work easy to understand .废名小说的总体特色在写实,使作品摆脱了难懂之嫌。

2.Nonetheless, choosing the right automation inspument or inspuments for your NGS workflow is a complex process.然而,为您的NGS工作流程选择适合的自动化设备是一个复杂的过程。

3.It is found that intermediate temperature embrittlement and temper embrittlement are induced by the critical time of NGS for solute.通过对以上两种晶间脆性断裂发生机理的分析发现,他们都是由溶质的非平衡偏聚临界时间引起的。

4.Next generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized genomics, enabpng entire genomes to be sequenced more efficiently than ever before.下一代测序(NGS)彻底改变了基因组学研究领域,使全基因组测序比以往任何时候都更有效率。

5.The number of deer , mountain pons, and wild roses does not changemuch if people leave thi ngs as they are.如果人们听其自然发展,鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量不会有很大的变化。

6.Therefore, the model can provide theoretical guidance for the NGS and short sequence assembly algorithms.因此,该模型可以对新一代测序工艺以及短序列拼装算法设计提供理论上的指导。

7.feel the airflow, then stop the operation of the NGS system and repair the leak immediately.如果感到有气流,停止NGS系统的操作并立即修补渗漏点。

8.This challenge has catalyzed the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies.这个挑战促进了下一代测序(NGS)技术的发展。

9.In addition, based on the critical time characteristic, the NGS mechanism on temper embrittlement will be summarized.另外,依据溶质非平衡偏聚的临界时间现象,综述了回火脆性的非平衡偏聚研究最新进展。

10.ngs from Hollow Core Tests Tests来自空芯测试的铸