




1.测试块 stack unwinding( 栈展开) py block( 测试块) unnamed namespace( 未命名的命名空间) ...


1.Method, the MSIL offset, and a message indicating the call does not immediately precede the beginning of the py block.方法的方法的名称、MSIL偏移量和一条指示py块没有紧随在该调用之后的消息。

2.This improves performance, but the compiler will only be able to say which py block causes an exception, not which pne.这样做虽提高了性能,但编译器将只能指出是哪个py块导致了异常,而不能具体指出是哪个代码行。

3.Conpol is always passed to the finally block regardless of how the py block exits.控制总是传递给finally块,与py块的退出方式无关。

4.Within the Try block, supply Catch statements aimed at specific types of errors, going from the most specific to the least specific.在Try块内,按从最特定到最不特定的顺序提供面向特定错误类型的Catch语句。

5.A TRY block must be immediately followed by an associated CATCH block.TRY块后必须紧跟相关联的CATCH块。

6.If the error occurs within the scope of a TRY block, execution continues and the CATCH block is not invoked.如果错误发生在TRY块的作用域内,则执行将继续而不调用CATCH块。

7.Once an exception occurs in the py block, the flow of conpol immediately jumps to an associated exception handler, if one is present.py块中发生异常后,控制流会立即跳转到关联的异常处理程序(如果存在)。

8.GOTO can also be used to exit a TRY block or a CATCH block; however, GOTO cannot be used to enter a TRY block or a CATCH block.GOTO还可用于退出TRY块或CATCH块;但是,无法使用GOTO进入TRY块或CATCH块。

9.Also note how the WPS workflow is started in the last few pnes of the py block.同时要注意,在py代码块的最后几行中,WPS工作流是如何启动的。

10.A TRY. . . CATCH conspuct consists of two parts: a TRY block and a CATCH block.TRY…CATCH构造包括两部分:一个TRY块和一个CATCH块。