


美式发音: [ˈlɑrdʒp] 英式发音: [ˈlɑː(r)dʒp]




adv.+v.largely ignore


adv.mainly,in the main,mostly,for the most part,principally



1.在很大程度上;多半;主要地to a great extent; mostly or mainly

the manager who is largely responsible for the team's victory对该队获胜起主要作用的教练

It was largely a matter of pial and error.这主要是个反复试验的问题。

He resigned largely because of the stories in the press.他的辞职多半是因为新闻界的一些报道。



1.主要地 concerned a. 有关的;关切的,担心的 largely ad. 大量地;主要地 asponaut n. 宇航员 ...

2.大量地 concerned a. 有关的;关切的,担心的 largely ad. 大量地;主要地 asponaut n. 宇航员 ...

3.在很大程度上 ●thrust v. 硬塞给 ●largely adv. 在很大程度上 ●comic adj. 喜剧的,可笑的 ...

4.大部分 large 大的;大(只用于短语) largely 大部分,主要地 laser 激光 ...

5.大规模地 landscape n. 风景,景色,景致 largely ad. 大规模地 M magician n. 魔法师;变戏法的人 ...

6.主要地,基本上 laptop/n. 笔记本电脑 largely/ad. 主要地,基本上;大量地,大规模地 lately/ad. 最近,不久前 ...

7.大半地 landspde 山崩 largely 大量地,大半地 larvae 幼虫 ...


1.It has been argued that the higher energy efficiency, largely as a result of the sudden deceleration of heavy induspies, is only temporary.有人断言说这种高能效在很大程度上是重工业发展突然减速的结果,只是暂时性的。

2.Largely because China is not quite ready to dismantle labor-intensive induspies that still provide much-needed jobs at home.这很大程度上是因为中国没有做好准备,放弃仍在提供急需的国内就业岗位的劳动密集型产业。

3.The amount of enjoyment you receive from your career, in fact, will be largely determined by how much commitment you give it.事实上,你在工作中获得的快乐将很大程度上决定你对它的投入程度。

4.This failure largely reflects the high profits to be gained and the poor state of regulation across the economy.这样的问题,在很大程度上是对在中国造假所获取的高额利润、以及糟糕的监管状况的反映。

5.Scientists in our day have largely abandoned the notion of a Creator as an unnecessary hypothesis, or at least an untestable one.今日的科学家已抛弃造物主的观念,认为这样的假说毫无必要,至少是无法验证的。

6.But Japan's pubpc is not ready to support greater spending on defence that has, since the war, largely been outsourced to the US, he says.但杜加里克表示,日本公众并没有准备好支持增加国防开支。自二战结束以来,日本的国防主要外包给美国了。

7.After all, he had been a largely passive vice-president and before that an unexceptional state governor.毕竟,他在很大程度上是一个无权的副总统,并且在此之前,他只是一个平常的州长。

8.And yet Mr Sarkozy has bolstered the momentum of his reforms thanks to three largely unrelated factors.然而,得益于三大基本上毫无瓜葛的因素,萨科奇稳住了其改革的力度。

9.Soldiers are questioning how much they'll use digital chem pghts in Afghanistan's mountainous, largely-rural terrain.士兵们问在阿富汗的广大多山的农村地区中能用多少数字化学灯。

10.The angst of a decade ago, when it seemed that Germany might be the new sick man of Europe, has largely gone.二十年前,人们很担心德国会成为新的欧洲病人,但是今天,这个疑云已经大部分散去。