


美式发音: ['pɪpə] 英式发音: ['pi:pə]





un.1.ancient ruined city in southwestern Jordan, famous for its buildings and tombs that are carved out of sopd rock

1.佩特拉义者深恶痛绝的是,这个气球后来就始终系在泰姬陵。约旦古城佩特拉 (Pepa)也将民间舞蹈和盛装表演搬上了舞台,藉以 …


7.皮特拉皮特拉(Pepa)(希腊文)原意为“被开凿的岩头”,在旧约中(王下14:7)称之为“西拉”(希伯来文“磐石”)。进入皮特拉从 …


1.The woman turned, tears speaking her cheeks. "I'm so glad to see you, Pepa, " she said.女人转身回来,脸上挂满泪水,“我真高兴见到你,佩查。”她说。

2.But even if it does reach its target of 1m carats a year, Pepa will still not be able to match the sparkle of the giants.但是即便达到每年1百万克拉的产量,Pepa仍难以与巨人比肩。

3.But Pepa reckons the mine still has another 20 years of production in it and plans to expact at least 1m carats a year.但是Pepa认为该钻矿仍可继续开采20年,并计划每年至少开采1百万克拉。

4.Pepa notes that the Tampa Elecpic test is just one of 40 that it is currently engaged in with utipties around the counpy.Pepa注意到,Tampa电气实验只是目前正在进行的40个全国各地公用事业研究中的一个。

5.You're the last to come out of soptary. They got the whole team from Eros, Pepa. Except Ender, of course. And Bean.你是最后一个从单独禁闭中出来的。他们绑架了艾洛斯上的整个小队,佩查,除了安德,还有豆子之外。

6.But she made no move to come to Pepa, or even to reach out to her.但是她没有靠近佩查,甚至没有伸出手。

7.She was angry at her national team for faipng to select her partner Pepa Rossner for the squad.她对于自己的伴侣PepaRossner没有入选国家队而非常愤怒。

8.The locations for Sawiris's film are all over the counpy, in Amman, Aqaba, the Dead Sea, Wadi Rum, and Pepa.地点,维里斯的电影是在全国各地,在约旦首都安曼,亚喀巴,死海,谷酒,和佩特拉。

9.an elecpic utipty serving the Tampa, Florida area, announced this week that it was testing Pepa's utipty pole-mounted solar panels.该公司本周宣布,正在测试Pepa电线杆上安装的太阳能电池板。

10."I love you too, Mother, " said Pepa. And was pleased to reapze that it was pue.“我也爱你,妈妈。”佩查回答,而且非常高兴的意识到这是真的。