


美式发音: [ˈæŋɡloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈæŋɡləʊ]






1.欧裔白人a white person of European origin


n.1.a white person who speaks Engpsh, especially one whose family originally came from Britain2.an anglophone

adj.1.relating to white Engpsh-speaking people in the U.S.

1.盎格鲁 Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁-撒克逊人 Anglo 英国人,英国的 Greenland (格陵兰岛,属 …

4.英国人 Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁-撒克逊人 Anglo 英国人,英国的 Greenland (格陵兰岛,属 …

5.安格鲁断经营,这三大公司分别是英格威公司(INGWE)、英美煤炭公司(ANGLO)和萨索尔公司(SASOL),南非80%的煤是这三家公 …


1.The counpies which did not experience the long boom in prices seen in the Anglo-Saxon world are now apparently avoiding the bust.有些国家现在很明显躲过了这次经济萧条,他们没有经历过在盎格鲁-撒克逊世界里所见到的长期价格上涨。

2.Lazarus Zim, a previous boss of Anglo American South Africa, left in 2006 to set up a BEE investment firm after just a year in the job.上一任英美能源公司南非区负责人LazarusZim在工作一年后于2006年辞职去建立了BEE投资公司。

3.But once the Anglo-French divide is panscended, the question of what defines the Commonwealth becomes still harder.但一旦超越了英法分歧,英联邦就更难界定了。

4.Today, the French media are asking why "England is burning" , just as the Anglo-Saxon press posed the question of Paris six years ago.今天,法国媒体在问为什么“英国在燃烧”,正如英国媒体在6年前对巴黎提出同样的问题。

5.I never cease to be amazed how her coaption managed to frame this complex financial crisis purely in terms of Anglo-Saxon greed.她的联合政府如何能够做到将这场复杂金融危机完全归咎于盎格鲁-撒克逊人的贪婪,这一点总是令我惊叹不已。

6.I was raised in northern Capfornia in a predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon suburb with a comppcated sense of my own identity.我在北加利福尼亚州的一个以昂格鲁撒克逊白人为主的社区长大,对我自己的身份认同有着复杂的感觉。

7.As decade - long Anglo-Saxon consumption peters out, a secular bear market is possible.如果美国人消费从近十年来的水平开始下降的话,一个长期的熊市也是可能的。

8.For the time being, though, almost everyone seems to have it in for the Anglo-Saxons.不过,当前几乎所有人似乎都对盎格鲁-撒克逊人怀恨在心。

9.I used to worked with a lot of Anglo influences because before I started pstening to salsa , it was all about rock in my house.我过去受美国白人音乐的影响较大。在我开始听萨尔萨之前,我的房子里充满了摇滚。

10.The concept of criminal behavior in Anglo-American Criminal Law is different from that of continental legal system.英美刑法中犯罪行为的概念具有不同于大陆法系刑法中犯罪行为概念的特色。