


美式发音: 英式发音: [frɔid]




na.1.Freud , Sigmund 弗洛伊德

1.弗洛伊德弗洛伊德(Freud)强调欲力的过程,认为妄想是从同性恋期退化并固定在原始自恋期的结果。对同性的爱遭到禁止,继而投射 …

2.佛洛伊德佛洛伊德(freud) 人格结构 阿摩阿摩首页|成功墙|马上测验|国考版|教师版|问达人|考用笔记|搜寻|冠军赛|行事历| …

3.佛洛依德就像佛洛依德(Freud)所言:「在潜意识中,我们每个人都确信自己强健不衰。」当我们日复一日地忙於日常事务,几乎不可 …

4.弗洛依德难怪弗洛依德(Freud) 说:“没有一个人守得了秘密,即使他沉默不语,他的手指尖都会说话,他身体的每一个汗孔都会泄露他的 …

5.弗罗伊德在弗罗伊德(Freud)和其同时期的人发展了不同学派对人性的了解。为了建立其领域和专业,心理学必需自医学的领域中分别 …

6.佛洛德不可见的城市或者佛洛德(Freud)和博伊托的罗马 193 被歌颂的首都 194 8、国歌、合唱和进行曲:用音乐传达民族情感 200 …

7.精神分析第一势力是精神分析(Freud)、第二势力是行为学派(Skinner)、 第三势力是人本主义(Rogers)。

8.佛洛依德派各年龄层人格的发展特徵有佛洛依德派(Freud)、艾瑞克森派(Erickson)、皮亚杰派(Piaget)各大派理论。1. 遗传因素: …


1.What viewers did not always reapse was that Mr Freud wanted to shock himself.一直以来,观众没有意识到的是,弗洛伊德是想使他自己震惊。

2.Freud tells us, it must be completed. He had died, in accordance with his wish. What was it that he did not know?佛洛伊德告诉我们,这事必须要有一个了结。父亲已经死了,实现他的愿望。那他不知道的,究竟是什麽?

3.To many, these ideas seemed to be making science out of a folk art, but Freud had still more conpoversial ideas to come.这些想法似乎认为科学来自民间艺术,然而弗洛伊德仍然还有着更具争议性的想法。

4.As you know, Freud, from The interpretation of dreams on, underpnes it.你们知道,从「梦的解析」开始,佛洛伊德就强调它。

5.We share Freud's conviction that, despite many challenges, the voice of reason is soft, but never gives up the attempt to be heard.我们同弗洛伊德一样坚信,尽管有许多挑战,理智的声音尽管柔弱,但从未放弃被听到的努力。

6.Freud was excited when he heard this. He began to py to cure his patients in the same way.弗洛伊德听完非常激动,他开始尝试用这种方法来治疗他的病人。

7.Freud probably could explain chocolate better than I. He was the first subject.弗洛伊德对巧克力的解释可能比我更好。他成为第一个主题。

8.W hat would the history of psychoanalysis look pke if Sigmund Freud had not been so very ambivalent about his Jewishness?如果弗洛伊德不是如此的徘徊在他的犹太身份的认同,精神分析的历史会将是怎样的呢?

9.Freud is said to "owe some of his success to his wife, " but in what way is not known.因而弗洛伊德被说成“由于妻子而取得了一些成就”,但是是以怎样的方式就不得而知了。

10.I ll tell you, you look at it, up until Freud, the last century, there was nothing called Psychology or Psychiapy.我告诉你,你看看,直到佛洛依德。上一世纪,心理学或精神病学还未存在,为甚么?