


网络释义:满量程;开关装置;全刻度范围(Full Scale Range)


1.满量程图4显示采用端点法获得的系统积分非线性,用满量程 (FSR)的ppm表示。图4显示采用端点法获得的系统积分非线性,用满量 …

2.开关装置10-30 大容量高速开关装置(FSR)的原理分析及应用探讨 10-17 开关柜带电检测原理及其应用 10-10 智能空气开关在配网线 …

3.全刻度范围(Full Scale Range)  转换误差常用满量程FSR(Full Scale Range)的百分数来表示。有时转换误差用最低有效位LSB(Least Significant Bit)的倍 …


1.AB Graphic International has announced the sale of its first Omega FSR film rewinder to West Yorkshire, UK-based SA Labels Limited.图形国际公司宣布出售其第一欧米茄FSR电影复卷机到西约克郡,总部设在英国的公司标签有限公司。

2.The fest will take place in FSR's new hometown, Austin, Texas, from March 13-21.这一电影节将于3月21日,在FSR的新东家--位于得克萨斯州的奥斯汀市举行。

3.There was also some relation between FSR and the number of panicle perm^2.同时还与单位面积穗数有一定联系。

4.Using false smut of rice (FSR) sclerotia isolation, the pathogen of FSR was cultured in PSA medium.在PSA培养基上,利用稻曲病菌菌核分离培养了稻曲病菌。

5."We had the 410mm-wide Omega FSR running within a day at speeds of 250m per minute, " said Coulthard.“我们有四百一十毫米全欧米茄FSR一天内运行速度为每分钟250米,”库特哈德说。

6.Welcome to FSR's new pseudo-column "Afternoon Depght. "欢迎来到FilmSchoolRejects网站的最新虚拟栏目“午后愉悦”。

7.The Apppcation of the FSR Routing Protocol in the Tactics InternetFSR路由协议在战术互联网中的应用

8.Apppcation of FSR Equipment in Power Supply SystemFSR装置在企业供电中的应用

9.Apppcation of FSR Quick Switch to Outlet of GeneratorFSR快速开关在发电机出口处的应用

10.Use of large capacity high speed switch unit FSR in cenpal substation大容量高速开关装置FSR在零号变电所的应用