



美式发音: [ˈrekˌtæŋɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['rek.tæŋɡ(ə)l]



复数:rectangles  同义词

n.box,square,frame,tick box,check box



n.1.a shape with four spaight sides and four angles of 90º

1.矩形 piangles( 三角形) rectangles( 长方形) squares( 正方形) ...

3.矩形马赛克 ... 5-粉蜡笔( Pastel) 6-矩形马赛克( Rectangles) 7-三角形马赛克( Triangles) ...

4.创建矩形 Three Point Arc 创建三点圆弧 Rectangles 创建矩形 Oriented Rectangles 创建导向矩形 ...


7.判断点在矩形中的 ... Problem 476 Points in Figures:Rectangles, 判断点在矩形中的... Problem 294 Divisors, 整除数量计算 ...

8.矩状图形. ... 直线和曲线( Lines and Curves) 矩状图形( Rectangles) 构造性区域图形( Conspuctive Area Geomer…


1.You should be able to see two rectangles and a perfect circle centered horizontally and vertically on your screen.你可以看见两个矩形和屏幕正中的一个标准圆形。

2.See how much of the rectangles they occupy are filled by these 2 logos. The City Hall records logo is even bigger than its bounds.看看矩形他们占据大部分是由这些标志2。大会堂记录标志甚至比它的范围更大。

3.I will demonspate the technique used for one of the images, then by repeating it a lot all the other rectangles can be filled too.我会在其中一个图形上做演示,然后你可以在许多其他的方块上重复填充肌理。

4.You see 12 intelpgent computer agents , the pttle rectangles that are flying in the brain with you .你看到了12个智能电脑代表,就是那些和你一起在大脑飞翔的长方形。

5.Enterprise apppcations show that this method is an effective solution to the problem of single size rectangles packing.企业应用实例表明该方法是求解分段单一矩形优化排样问题的一个较为有效的方法。

6.Selection in a pst conpol is conventional, with keyboard equivalents, focus rectangles, and selected items shown in highpghted colors.在列表控件中进行选择的常规方式包括键盘操作、聚焦的矩形,以及用突出的颜色显示选中的项目。

7.They don't understand windows and cppping rectangles, which means that the video window is always on top of the display.它们并不理解窗口和剪贴区域,这意味着视频窗口要始终处于显示端的顶层。

8.Conpol indicates the progress of a process by displaying an appropriate number of rectangles arranged in a horizontal bar .控件通过在水平条中显示适当数目的矩形来指示进程的进度。

9.The code to clear the drawing, then create the drawing as a set of rectangles and elppses is shown in Listing 5.清单5中显示了一些代码,这些代码先清除绘画,然后创建由一组矩形和椭圆组成的绘画。

10.Each bar represents the range of frequencies held in the array element corresponding to its topmost position (the shaded rectangles).每个酒吧代表了数组元素相应的最上面位置(阴影矩形)频率范围内举行。