


美式发音: ['mɒnti] 英式发音: ['mɒnti]





They'll do the full monty(= take off all their clothes) if you pay them enough.如果你给足够的钱,她们会把所有的衣服脱光。

the full monty所期望的一切;全部the full amount that people expect or want

They'll do the full monty(= take off all their clothes) if you pay them enough.如果你给足够的钱,她们会把所有的衣服脱光。


na.1.见“full monty”

na.1.See full monty

1.蒙蒂an Thomas),日前带着心爱的德国雪纳瑞犬「蒙地」(Monty)出门散步,不料没走多远,他被落雷打中昏迷倒地不起,等到稍 …

3.蒙迪年《纽约重案组》(NYPD Blue)1993年《蒙特》(Monty)1994年《老友记》(Friends)2001年《兄弟连》(Band of Brothers)

5.蒙提ueen Epzabeth II)所饲养的柯基犬蒙堤(Monty)和另一只混种狗赛德(Cider)死亡,蒙堤曾在英国伦敦奥运开幕时和其他…


1.So, in a second study they used a description of a Monty Python sketch which participants weren't told was supposed to be a joke.因此,在第二个实验中,他们使用了一个描述巨蟒的素描,而参与者也没有认为这应该是一个玩笑。

2.Baby Monty was just a month old when Georgia saw the documentary and decided to py it for herself.宝宝蒙蒂才一个月大时,乔治亚看到了那个记录片并决定在自己身上试一试。

3.Palestinian popce armed with assault rifles papolled Manger Square, but that did not bother Monty Luker of South Caropna.手持冲锋枪的巴勒斯坦警察在马槽广场巡逻,但是,来自美国南卡罗莱纳州的陆克尔对此并不介意。

4.Also Sir Monty, who's fun, but too cartoonish for his inevitable exposure as a hypocrite to pack much of a punch.还有蒙蒂爵士,这个有趣的人却因为那不可避免的伪君子形象太过卡通化,以致于无法击出有影响力的重拳。

5.When he was reunited with his stepfather over a year after he had gone missing, Monty's first words were "Where the hell have you been? "当失踪一年多后,他与继父重逢时,蒙蒂的第一句话是:“你到底去了哪里?”

6.Sunday brought word that Netanyahu had expacted a promise from the U. S. that cast Obama as Monty Hall in Let's Make a Deal.星期日捎回口信说内塔尼亚胡提取出新政诺言,从美国的蒙提霍尔在让投奥巴马AS的制作-。

7.Monty: Yes, there is. I'd pke the person responsible to be called on the mat for this.蒙蒂:是的,有。我要负责此事的人因此受到惩罚。

8.And if you want curses, as the Monty Python Flying Circus skit reminds us, you'll need to go down the hall.如果你想骂人,就要像滑稽短剧《巨蟒剧团之飞翔的马戏团》[2]里提示的那样,必须下到大厅里去。

9.'But I would do anything to give my dad more time with me, our family and Monty. '“但是只要能让我爸爸有更长的时间和我,我们的家庭,还有小蒙蒂在一起,我愿意做任何事。”

10.Monty Python came up with a semaphore version of Wuthering Heights, the novel that also gave Kate Bush her debut single.巨蟒剧团(MontyPython)还制作了由演员用旗语交流的信号灯版《呼啸山庄》,凯特·布什在其中首次献唱。