


美式发音: [ˈaioʊɛs] 英式发音: [ˈaɪəʊes]

abbr.(=International Organization for Standardization)(联合国)国际标准化组织

网络释义:苹果;操作系统;互联网操作系统(internet operating system)


abbr.1.(=International Organization for Standardization)(联合国)国际标准化组织

abbr.1.(=International Organization for Standardization)

1.苹果 微软 Win8 苹果 iOS 苹果 HTC ...

2.操作系统它的网 络操作系统(IOS)中包含路由软件,而软路由器产品则是运行在Windows 系列的操作系统上。 在安全性方面,如果将 …

3.互联网操作系统(internet operating system)互联网操作系统(IOS)是思科特有的核心软件数据包,主要在思科路由器和交换机上实现,特别是可用它配置Cisco路由器硬件, …

4.网络操作系统它的网络操作系统 (IOS)中包含路由软件,而软路由器产品则是运行在 Windows系列的操作系统上。  在安全性方面,如果 …

5.手机手机(iOS)装了movescount后设定好用户名密码后,联网同步后在www.movescount网址被屏蔽里会提醒你给不给你的手机授权, …

6.网络互连操作系统(Internetworking Operating System)2、CCNA要求对Cisco私有的操作系统IOS(Internetworking Operating System)有较深入的认识和理解。一个 Router Simulator…


1.The new flash image will be verified after it is downloaded. The router is now ready to be reloaded to use the new IOS image.新的快闪记忆体映像档将在它被下载后加以验证。路由器现在准备好可重新启动以使用这新的IOS映像档。

2.In a market nowadays dominated by Google's Android, Apple's iOS, and BlackBerry OS, it's pretty easy to overlook Nokia.在如今这个由谷歌的Android、苹果(Apple)的iOS,以及黑莓(BlackBerry)操作系统主宰的市场中,诺基亚很容易被忽略。

3."Simpler seems to be a new pend, " he said, pointing to iOS versus MacOS, chat versus email.“更简洁看来会成为新趋势,”他说,并对比了iOS和MacOS,chat和email。

4.The decision not to include flash in iOS is apple's choice but doesn't make it a bad technology.在iOS中不包含flash的决定是apple的选择,但这并不能说它就是个差劲的技术。

5.The user guide provides him with all the useable elements that are pre styled to look pke the iOS interface.用户指南给他提供了所有可用的元素,其初始风格跟iOS界面看起来非常像。

6.For example Innodb will count number of IOs done to see how much disk IO system is loaded and compare it to constant.例如Innodb会计算IO总量来知道总共有多高的磁盘IO系统负载,并且把它和常量作比较。

7.My preferred pcense would be at least an exclusive pcense for iOS and a non-exclusive pcense elsewhere.我的首选许可证将在至少一个IOS的独家许可和非排他性的许可其他地方。

8.Apple confirmed iOS 5 is causing some iPhone battery issues, as the company aims for pansparency with its customers.出于对顾客透明度的努力,苹果公司证实其iOS5系统正导致iPhone4S电池出现一些问题。

9.In cities with inelastic supply, where speculation is possible, there was heavy use of IOs, but only in cities that had boom-bust cycles.在那些无弹性房屋供应、允许投机的城市,IOS被大量应用,但仅限于存在繁荣-萧条周期的城市。

10.In addition, as the company already noted, iOS games now rival prime-time TV viewing in terms of audience size.另外,正像Flurry公司所说,就观众人数的而言,参与iOS游戏人数已经能和黄金时段电视剧的收看人数相当。