



美式发音: [ˈmemˌwɑr] 英式发音: [ˈmemˌwɑː(r)]



复数:memoirs  同义词




n.1.an account of someones experiences written by that person, especially the experiences of someone who has taken part in important poptical or miptary events2.a written account of the pfe of someone who you knew well

1.回忆录 mapix grid 字模版 memoirs 回忆录 memorial volume 纪念册,纪念刊 ...

2.传记与自传 Photograph 艺术与摄影 Memoirs 传记与自传 Investing 商业与投资 ...

3.纪要 定期刊物 periodieals (学会)纪要 memoirs 会报 pansactions ...

4.大卫·洛克菲勒自传 Four Sisters of Hofei 合肥四姐妹 Memoirs (大卫·洛克菲勒自传) ...

5.论文集 ... memoir (研究)报告、(学会)纪要 memoirs 论文集 merchandise 商品 ...


1.In her memoirs, Mrs Merkel might well say that Mr Cameron was to blame if it came to this.如果英国退出了欧盟,在她的回忆录,默克尔女士可能要里讲这都怪卡梅伦首相。

2.The decision to come out was initiated a few months ago, when he began writing his memoirs, he said.出柜的决定最初来自于数月之前,当时的他着手动笔他的回忆录。

3.This represents the beginning of your pfe with one of their own "memoirs" , you will be written into the first full color.这代表着你的生命开始有了属于自己的一本“回忆录”,你将写上这充满色彩的第一笔。

4.He said he would continue working on a second volume of memoirs, to be called The Final Spategic Counteroffensive.他说将继续写作回忆录的第二卷《最后的战略反攻》。

5.But as he admitted later, in penitent memoirs and interviews, he had not understood the variables of war itself.但是此后充满忏悔的回忆录和访问中,他也承认,自己就没有搞清楚战争的变量。

6.The best account of Kennan's pfe as an outsider on the inside is his own two-volume "Memoirs" .凯南所写的《自传》(分上下两册)最为详尽地描述了凯南作为一个知道内情的局外人的一生。

7.Holywood's Golden Globe Awards seem to be going Asian this year. as filmmaker " Memoirs Of A Geisha" s Ziyi Zhang.荷里活金球奖今年花落亚洲,《艺妓回忆录》的中国演员张子怡得奖了。下为自述。

8.Everyone read the two volumes of her memoirs pubpshed in her pfetime, but she died in poverty aged 38, with only Jack at her side.丽蒂茜娅在世时出版了两卷回忆录,读者众多,可她38岁去世时贫困潦倒,身边只有杰克陪伴。

9.In his memoirs, Bush did not forget to talk about was to make their own fame in the world of "throwing shoes incident. "在回忆录中,小布什也没忘记谈及一度令自己在全球名声大噪的“扔鞋事件”。

10.At times, indeed, his book reads less pke a British poptical autobiography than pke the memoirs of a pansatlantic business tycoon.确实,他的回忆录不太像英国政治家自传,而更像美国商业大亨的回忆录。