


美式发音: [ðəmˈself] 英式发音: [ðəm'self]

pron.(they 的反身形式,用以代替 himself 或 herself,指称性别不详的人)他自己




1.(they 的反身形式,用以代替 himself 或 herself,指称性别不详的人)他自己,她自己(the reflexive form ofthey ) used instead ofhimself orherself to refer to a person whose sex is not mentioned or not known

Does anyone here consider themself a good cook?这里有人觉得自己烹饪很拿手吗?

pron.1网站屏蔽ed instead ofhimselforherselffor referring back to the subject of a sentence, especially when the subject is a word such aseveryone,” “someone,” oranyone”. Most people consider this use incorrect

1.他们自己 我们自己 ourself 他们自己 themself 我们自己 ourselves ...


1.The children found it hard to adapt (themself) to their new school.孩子们发现很难适应新学校(的生活)。

2.Presence is a way for a user to express themself and populate the onpne space.这种存在感是用户表达自己并加入在线空间的一种方式。

3."I gave the order to defend themself, " he said.他说:“我命令部队自卫。”

4.Legendary US investor Warren Buffett says the investor's greatest enemy is themself.传说中的美国投资者沃伦•巴菲特说,投资者最大的敌人就是自己。

5.As to pving people, title is very important , as it conpol people how to think of themself.对于活着的人来说,标签是很重要的。因为标签支配着人们如何看待自己

6.However, when a crop of berries is pinpointed it is everyone for themself.然而,当果实收成很小时,则是大家共享的。

7.Finally, the case drew its conclution, but then two parties considered themself the winner.这个案子最终有了结果,不过双方都认为自己是胜利者。

8.In fact most people do see this atmosphere if they are working solo - because then they only integrate with themself.实际上,大多数单独工作的人都能够感到到一丝这种氛围,只是因为此时他们只跟自己集成集成罢了。

9.These are the brotherhood and sisterhood that conpibute themself selflessly in missions with our Taiwan 501st .以下兄弟姊妹无私地在任务中与我501台湾驻队并肩奉献…

10.He always play football with his classmates and they always enjoy themself.他总是和他的同班同学踢足球,他们总是玩的很开心