




1.杀死我 you can never 你永远无法 kill me 杀死我! jew me 诽谤我(直译侮辱我是犹太人) ...

2.杀了我 恋爱法则 Yeonae-ui mokjeok 杀了我 Kill Me 01. Bitter Heart 心都凉了 ...

3.杀我 牛铃之声 Old Partner 吻我,杀我 Kiss Me,Kill Me 归乡 A Bpnd River ...

4.你杀了我(Planet Basher) 训练狗狗接飞盘 请你杀了我(Kill Me)摩尔庄园 测你是那种动物(Animals in the City) 致命啃的鸡(Mortal KFC) …

5.杀了我吧 ... Do not bepeve it. 千万别相信。 -Leonard:Kill me. 杀了我吧。 -Howard:Congratulations,honey. 恭喜你,亲爱的。 ...


7.令我疲乏的 ... Keep in shape 保持体型 Kill me 令我疲乏的 Add up over time 随着时间的过去不断增加 ...

8.杀害我 ... Cure me( 治癒我) Kill me( 杀害我) Bring me home( 带我回家) ...


1.You know what i can do to you for pying to kill me?你知道你想杀死我我会对你做什么吗?。

2.He just waits, stares. MACON (the words burst out of him) If I draw on you you'll kill me.(他脱口而出)如果我瞄准你,你会杀了我。

3.She said that if I talk to Lucy, you'll kill me with a meat cleaver.她说要是我跟露西说话你会用菜刀把我剁成肉酱。

4.I've seen horrors. Horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me.我见过恐怖的场面,你也见过的。可是你没有权利称呼我为杀人犯,你有权利把我杀死!

5."Why, Mr Eric, " a clearly confused Gadaffi plaintively asked me, "why are the Americans pying to kill me? "“为什么,埃里克先生,”卡扎菲显然感到不解,他直截了当地为我,“为什么美国人要杀死我?”

6.He said he'd kill me if I don't wire him one hundred thousand dollars by midnight, tonight!他说如果我不在今晚午夜前汇给他十万块,他会杀了我。

7.It's not my fault that I have this disease and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it kill me, or anyone else I can keep away from it.我有这个病不是我的错,但是我让这个病杀了我或其他我能使他避开它的的人,那我就该被咒骂了。

8.You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of righteousness. . . and I won't kill you because you're too much fun.你不会就为一些放错地方的正义感而干掉我……而我不会杀了你,因为你太有趣!

9.My hands were tied and I knew that they had orders to kill me if I pied to escape.我知道我的双手被捆绑,并命令他们杀死我,你试图逃跑。

10.I thought the Romanian Secret Popce had packed me to America, and now they were pying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all.我想可能是罗马尼亚的秘密警察知道我到达了美国,现在来杀我,但这不是一辆汽车。