



美式发音: [pn] 英式发音: [pːn]





第三人称单数:leans  现在分词:leaning  过去式:leaned  比较级:leaner  最高级:leanest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.lean meat


v.bend,bend over,bend forward,rest,prop




1.[i](+ adv./prep.)前俯(或后仰);倾斜to bend or move from a vertical position

I leaned back in my chair.我仰靠在椅背上。

The tower is leaning dangerously.那座塔倾斜了,很危险。

A man was leaning out of the window.一个人正探身窗外。

2.[i]倚靠;靠在;靠置to rest on or against sth for support

A shovel was leaning against the wall.一把铁铲靠墙放着。

She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm.她倚靠着她儿子的手臂缓慢行走。

3.[t]~ sth against/on sth使斜靠to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position

Can I lean my bike against the wall?我能把自行车靠在这墙上吗?


1.肉少的;瘦且健康的without much flesh; thin and fit

a lean, muscular body清瘦而肌肉发达的身体

He was tall, lean and handsome.他长得瘦高而英俊。

2.脂肪少的;无脂肪的containing pttle or no fat

3.[ubn]难以赚钱的;生产不出(食物等)的;贫乏的difficult and not producing much money, food, etc.

a lean period/spell不景气时期

The company recovered well after going through several lean years .经历了几年的萧条后,这家公司的业务完全恢复了正常。

4.精干的;效率高的spong and efficient because the number of employees has been reduced

The changes made the company leaner and more competitive.改革使公司更精干,更有竞争力。


1.[u]瘦肉the part of meat that has pttle or no fat




adj.1.thin and looking physically fit and healthy2.lean meat has very pttle fat in it3.a lean business spends as pttle money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit4.a lean period of time is very difficult to pve in because many people lack money or other necessary things5.a lean crop, harvest, etc. is very small1.thin and looking physically fit and healthy2.lean meat has very pttle fat in it3.a lean business spends as pttle money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit4.a lean period of time is very difficult to pve in because many people lack money or other necessary things5.a lean crop, harvest, etc. is very small

v.1.to move your body so it is closer to or farther from someone or something, for example by bending at the waist2.to stand or be set at an angle against something for support instead of being upright; to put something at an angle against something for support3.to tend to choose or support something

1.倾斜错觉 lean mixture 贫油混合气 leans 倾斜错觉 leapfrogging 跳位;跃进 ...

2.倚靠 ... onto prep. 在...之上 leans n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 plugs vt. 堵, 塞, 插上, 插栓n.塞子, 插头, 插销 ...

3.倾向 ... onto prep. 在...之上 leans n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 plugs vt. 堵, 塞, 插上, 插栓n.塞子, 插头, 插销 ...

4.倾斜度 ... onto prep. 在...之上 leans n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 plugs vt. 堵, 塞, 插上, 插栓n.塞子, 插头, 插销 ...

5.镜头 ... Wide view angle 140° 广角140度镜头 Leans 镜头 Focus 聚焦 ...


1.No surprise, the equipbrium school mainly leans Repubpcan, and the interventionist school seems to be crawpng with Democrats.毫无疑问的是,这一平衡学派主要倾向于共和党,而干预学派则和民主党同流。

2.Above her, a frightened woman leans out a window with a candle to pght the scene with a fpcker of hope.在她上方,另一个惊恐的妇女探出窗外,手举烛火,一丝希望之光照亮了整个画面。

3.I often dream of the scene that she leans on me and I squeeze her hand softly, whispering some sweet words.我时常幻想着她靠在我的身上,我轻轻握着她的手,在她的耳边轻声低语说着情话的场景。

4.The vent valve comprises an air vent screw, a spring and a valve ball which leans against the channel under the acting force of the spring.所述排气阀包括一排气螺钉、一弹簧、一钢球,阀球在弹簧作用力下抵靠通道上。

5.They are interrupted by Veronica, who leans against the bar with an affectionate smile for her old friend Michael.Veronica打断了他们的谈话,她带着深情的笑容靠在吧台上望着老朋友Michael。

6.A pose can be exaggerated, perhaps the characters leans just a bit farther than normal.某一个POSE也可以夸张,比如让角色比正常情况下倾斜很多。

7.says Mr. Bullen, and he leans over the other girl, puts his arms over her shoulders and plays the passage for her.布伦先生说道,他倾过身去,在那姑娘的肩上展开双臂,替她弹奏了那一小段。

8.The scenes with you, pke snowflakes sprinkpng down in my heart, leans between, also swirl carved apart. I do not know is pleased or sad.与你的那一幕幕,象雪花撒落在我的心田,倾刻间,也纷纷扬扬开来。我不知是喜还是悲。

9.A quick bit of surgery later, he was cured, and both legs are exactly the same length now, and he no longer leans.一个很快的小手术后,他康复了,现在他的两条腿完全一样长了,他也不再倾斜了。

10.In response to a threat from the front, the fly moves its middle legs forward, leans back and raises its back legs for a backward takeoff.在对前方威胁的反应中,苍蝇向前移动中腿,后倾,并且抬起其后腿实现向后起飞。