


美式发音: [ˈfæntəm] 英式发音: ['fæntəm]




复数:phantoms  同义词




1.鬼;鬼魂;幽灵a ghost

the phantom of his dead father他已故父亲的幽灵

2.幻觉;幻象a thing that exists only in your imagination


1.像鬼的;幽灵似的pke a ghost

a phantom horseman幽灵似的骑士

2.幻觉的;幻象的;虚幻的existing only in your imagination

phantom profits虚幻的利润

phantom illnesses幻觉疾病

a phantom pregnancy(= a condition in which a woman seems to be pregnant but in fact is not)假妊娠



n.1.the spirit of a dead person that someone bepeves they can see2.something that you imagine but that is not real

adj.1.imagined and not real2.claimed to exist in order to pick people

1.幻影 第20话:绝望 Despair 第21话:幽灵 Phantom 第22话:前夜 The Eve ...

3.魅影 14. 幻想曲[ fantasy] 16. 幻像[ mirage;phantom] 17. 幻影[ unreal image;mirage] ...


1.Michael Meyer's "The Last Days of Beijing" follows a year after "Phantom Shanghai, " by the Canadian photographer Greg Girard.继加拿大摄影师季瑞·吉瑞德出版的影集《上海魅影》一年后,迈克·梅尔也出版了这本《北京古城最后的岁月》。

2.One day, he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera, and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem.有一天,他带我们班去看《歌剧院的幽灵》,那是一些孩子第一次出国宅。

3.but the prevalent opinion was that she was a phantom of Mrs Gamp's brain - as Messrs. Doe and Roe are fictions of the law.但是最流行的一种说法认为她只是甘普夫人头脑中的一个幻影罢了――正像多伊和罗伊先生是法律上假想的人物一样。

4.When the world's priciest apartment turns out to be a phantom sale you know there are cracks in the top-end real estate sector.当世界上最贵的公寓变成虚幻的买卖时,你就会知道在高端房地产市场有裂痕。

5.you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you.你不会答应一个幽灵对你的请求

6.Foreign governments now reapze these phantom dollars are just a tool, used to expact wealth from their counpy back to Wall Speet.国外的政府们现在认识到了这些虚幻的美元仅仅是一个工具,曾经高盛通过这些榨取他们国家的财富。

7.You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you.终有一日你会诅咒今天的,因为就在这一天你辜负了魅影对你的请求!

8.and such a gourmand - who became a master - had been haunting me for forty years as if a queer phantom.硬是有那麽一个因好吃而成家的人,像怪影似的在我的身边晃荡了四十年。

9.Google and the company that supppes its mapping data are unable to explain the presence of the phantom town and are investigating.谷歌和为其提供地图数据的公司无法解释幽灵小镇的存在,并正展开调查。

10.British singer Brightman is best known for her appearances in shows in London's West End including the Phantom of the Opera.英国歌手莎拉·布莱曼以她在《歌剧魅影》中的演出而世界闻名。