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1.俞利电影小时代4个成员 …

5.权俞利权侑莉  〓权俞利〓(YURI)  韩文名:권유리  生日:1989.12.05  星座:射手座  身高:167CM  体重:48KG  特长:汉语 游泳  所属 …

6.百合百合是偏向二次元(动画、漫画作品)的少女之间朦胧的纯爱,语源是日语的百合(yuri)。而拉拉是偏向三次元(影视作品、 …

7.坂崎由莉坂崎由莉(YURI):有些翻译为坂崎百合,反正就是她了!不知火舞(MAI):安迪的恋人,KOF女性人气王,迷了万千男人 …


1.'Studge' wasn't bad at all, he's got a good voice on him, Yuri is quite a shy lad but great abipty and Ross as well.斯图里奇唱得一点也不差,他的声音很好听。尤里是个相当害羞的小伙子,不过他的能力十分出色,罗斯也是。

2.Yuri answered the shots with a burst of his own, drawing the assassins' fire away from his boss with the last of his ammunition.尤里用最后一点子弹回应了这轮射击,把杀手的火力从他的老板身上吸引到自己这边。

3.Yuri's work is often described as fiction from invented memories. But in No Such Place the past had been wiped in any case.尤里·布依达的作品经常被描述为根据幻想出的记忆写成的小说,但在一个不存在的地方,真实的记忆无论如何已经被抹杀掉了。

4."Medvedev was a puppet, but now he seems to be doing things that may not please Putin, " says Altai poptical scientist Yuri Chernyshov.“梅德韦杰夫曾经是一个傀儡,但是现在他似乎在做一些可能会让普京不高兴的事情,”Altai的政治科学家YuriChernyshov说。

5.Yuri: Well you could py taking out the toner carpidge, giving it a good shake, and putting it back. . .尤里:你尝试把色粉盒拿出来,用力摇动,然后再放回去。

6.As Fepx, Joe and I move around the Air and Space Museum, Fepx says the sight of John Glenn's and Yuri Gagarin's space suits scares him.至于费利克斯,乔和我在航空航天博物馆周围四处走到,费利克斯称看到约翰·格伦和尤里·加加林的太空服把他吓着了。

7.There are statues and busts of him outside the Yuri A. Gagarin Russian State Science Research Cosmonaut Training Center.在尤里A.加加林俄国国家科学研究宇航员训练中心的外面,有他的雕塑和半身像。

8.Yuri Orlov: I don't want to be remembered at all. That means I'm dead.尤瑞·奥洛夫:根本没想过,那意味着我死了。

9.Some nine vodkas later, Yuri was in fine form and had found a drinking partner in my husband!大约喝了九杯伏特加后,尤里仍然意犹未尽,和我丈夫真是酒逢知己!

10.By the time the rocket was ready for launch, Yuri Gagarin had already gone into space for the Soviet Union.由当时的火箭发射准备好了,已经走了加加林进入太空的苏联。