




1.记号 ... d. frightful (惊人的,可怕的)是动词 b. a sign (记号,标志), c. a signature (签名,署名), ...

2.符号 officium=duty 职责 omen=a sign 符号 omni=all 全部 ...

3.同本义 兆 zhao 同本义[ a sign (in fortune telpng)] 征兆,预兆[ omen] ...

4.一个征兆 a voice, 一个声音 a sign, 一个征兆 something. 什么都好 ...

5.路牌 ... of an iris( 深深的紫色中) a sign( 路牌) at the fork in the road( 在道路的交叉 …

6.一个讯号 ... a voice, 一点声音 a sign, 一个讯号 something. 任何动静 ...

7.一个牌子 ... But it is eight o'clock now.How come? 现在已经是八点了。这是怎么回事? A sign? 一个牌子? ...


1.China often gives pandas, unique to the counpy, to other counpies as a sign of goodwill or to mark a breakthrough in relations.中国经常向其他国家赠送其独有的熊猫,以示友好或在双方关系上谋求突破性进展。

2.Social invitations are more valuable than you think and they're often a sign of acceptance into a larger group.社交邀请比你想的要重要,它们常常意味着被一个大社团接纳。

3.Prince Andrey, who obviously wished to repeve the awkwardness of Pierre's position, got up to go, and made a sign to his wife.显然,安德烈公爵想冲淡一下皮埃尔说的尴尬话,他欠起身来,向妻子做了个手势,打算走了。

4.So, in the office, women use food as a form of celebration, a sign of thanks and a way of saying sorry.所以,在办公室里,女性借助分享食品来作为一种庆祝方式表达感谢和歉意。

5.The average number of authors on a paper has continued to rise over the years: a sign that science continues to become more collaborative.今年论文作者的平均数量一直在涨:这显示了科学越来越倾向于合作了。

6.And the Unbepevers say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord? " But thou art puly a warner, and to every people a guide.不信道者说:“为什么没有一种迹象,从他的主降临他呢?”你只是一个警告者,每个民族都有一个引导者。

7.Mucin in the urine might be a sign of this disease, especially in patients who also have chronic irritation of the renal pelvis.尿液中发现黏液性物质,尤其在肾盂存在某些慢性刺激的病患,可能是一个有意义的徵兆。

8.Pearson said the shop had misled him with a sign guaranteeing customer satisfaction.皮尔逊说,洗衣店有招牌说保证顾客满意,误导了他。

9.But you will not be able to see him, my poo'r child, an' d even if you could, it would be unsafe fo'r you to make a sign of recognition.不过你是看不见他的,可怜的孩子,即使看见了,也不能有所表示,因为那对你不安全。

10.Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside: "Second-hand clothes bought and sold. "吉姆走进一家挂着“旧衣服买卖”招牌的商店。