


美式发音: ['rʌbɪn] 英式发音: ['rʌbɪn]





1.鲁宾 rubijervine 芦比介芬胺 rubin 品红 rubine 红宝石 ...


8.红宝石  俄红宝石(Rubin)设计局、诺瓦托(Novator)设计局(也译作革新家设计局)技术人员参与了试射。一共试射了三次3M-54E …


1.Jha, the new co-CEO of Motorola, had been talking to Rubin for months, hoping to persuade him to let Motorola build the next Android phone.贾阿是摩托罗拉新任的联合首席运营官,已经与鲁宾磋商了好几个月,希望说服鲁宾同意摩托罗拉生产下一部Android手机。

2.When asked if Honeycomb is specifically for tablets or just happens to work on tablets, Rubin said that it was a bit of both.而当问到蜂巢是否是为平板电脑量身打造,或只是无心插柳时?鲁宾表示这两种因素兼而有之。

3.His decision to leave the bank comes amid a changing of the guard among top Canadian economists.Rubin先生的离职仅是加拿大顶级经济研究员离职风潮中的一例。

4.Additionally, Hardy got Rubin to fire off a bit of a hit on Google's other OS, Chrome.另外,在同哈迪的谈话中,鲁宾对谷歌的另一款操作系统——Chrome“略有微词”。

5.ROBERT RUBIN: I thought at the time that I had a pretty good sense of what was going on.罗伯特。鲁宾:当时,我以为我挺了解发生了什么事。

6.When Mr Lampert said he wanted to quit, Mr Rubin told him he was giving up a golden career.当拉姆伯特将辞职想法告诉罗宾时,罗宾说他放弃的是锦绣前程。

7.Unless Rubin could come up with a breakthrough Android phone, and quick, he might have to concede the entire business to Steve Jobs.除非鲁宾尽快用一款突破性的Android手机迎头赶上,他恐怕只能将整个产业拱手相让给斯蒂夫·乔布斯。

8.Inter are second on six points and must at least draw with Rubin Kazan and hope that Kiev do not beat Barcelona on the final match day.国际米兰变成小组第二,获得了6分的的球队,必须要在下一场,最后一个比赛日中至少与喀山鲁宾战平,并且寄希望于基辅不会击败巴萨。

9.After we sat down to work, Bob Rubin, who was running the meeting, called on Leon Panetta first.我们坐下来开始商讨,会议主持人鲍勃.鲁宾,一开头请列昂.帕内塔发言。

10.Despite Mr. Rubin's remarks, some induspy executives report Google has been more active in pying to ward off fragmentation.尽管鲁宾这样说,但一些行业管理人士称,谷歌一直在更积极地试图阻止Android分散化。