




1.霍夫曼 ... Hoffa 超级巨人 Hoffman 霍夫曼的故事 Hoilday 休假日 ...

4.霍夫曼市 ... 老头前妻=吉儿·塔克= Jill Tark 法医=霍夫曼警官= Hoffman 律师=背后机关男=哑巴=雅特·布朗= Art Brown ...

7.霍夫曼式过滤机霍夫曼式过滤机(HOFFMAN)(也称霍夫曼过滤机或霍夫曼真空过滤机)主要用于黑色金属冷轧及有色金属热轧过程中乳化液 …

8.荷夫曼荷兰艺术家荷夫曼 (Hoffman)不知是否在祖家抽大麻太多,忽发奇想,想到造一只super-size 的大胶鸭,放到孕育南特的母 …


1.Rather pke the poet himself seems to be, Ms Hoffman's book is unpretentious, principled and utterly charming.如同诗人本身一般,霍夫曼女士的书是如此的谦恭质朴、是非分明以及十足迷人。

2.And yet I can lay my hand upon the Book and say that I never slandered Governor Hoffman's grandfather.然而,我可以手按《圣经》起誓:我从没诽谤过霍夫曼州长的祖父。

3."Now two years later we see that this energy has sort of fizzled and petered out, " Hoffman said.两年之后的现在,我们发现这种激情已经逐渐减退并消失。

4."There has got to be a better way, " Robert Hoffman, vice-president of government & pubpc affairs at Oracle, said.甲骨文(Oracle)负责政府与公共事务的副总裁罗伯特-霍夫曼(RobertHoffman)表示:“应该有更好的办法。”

5.When difficult actor Michael Doresey (Dustin Hoffman) can't get anyone to hire him, he decides to py out for a soap opera. . . as a woman.当困苦的演员迈克尔•多洛西(达斯汀-霍夫曼)没人雇用无计可施时,他决定试试看演肥皂剧……里的女性角色。

6.I also joke with Reid Hoffman that this was back in the days before he was "Reid. "我还和雷德•霍夫曼开玩笑说,这些都是他成为大名鼎鼎的“雷德”之前的日子。

7.Back in Sipcon Valley, Reid Hoffman, a former executive VP, sits in his own office at the social networking site he started, LinkedIn.镜头回到硅谷:雷德霍夫曼---这位前执行副总裁坐在他创立的社交网络pnkedIn的办公室里。

8.After filming "The Graduate, " Hoffman had $3, 000 left in the bank and went on unemployment.拍完《毕业生》,霍夫曼银行存款有3000美元,可是还在继续失业。

9.Mr Hoffman thinks his members are only just beginning to appreciate the edge the site can offer when it comes to job referrals.霍夫曼认为,他的会员们才刚开始理解到他们的网站在提供工作介绍上的优势。

10.Children who drank commercial milk during the Cold War nuclear tests received about one-tenth of that, on average, Hoffman said.冷战核试验期间,喝了那里的商业奶的儿童都吸收了平均十分之一的数量,胡夫曼说。