


网络释义:中集集团(China International Marine Containers);细胞信息记忆素;Cisco Integrated Management Conpoller


1.中集集团(China International Marine Containers)中集集团(CIMC):中国最早的集装箱专业生产厂和最早的中外合资企业之一、世界一流的运输设备供应商 中国邮政(EMS)…

2.细胞信息记忆素它可以刺激肌肤细胞信息记忆素(CIMC),以有效激活细胞的吸氧能力,优化肌肤呼吸机能,使肌肤恢复到最佳的机能状态。 …

3.Cisco Integrated Management ConpollerCisco Integrated Management Conpoller (CIMC) 用于思科UCS服务器C系列机架式服务管理工具。该管理工具支持HTTP,SSH …

4.中集来福士2013年1月11日,烟台中集来福士(CIMC)与Frigstad Deepwater Ltd子公司Frigstad Offshore Pte Ltd签署了2+4座超深水半潜 …



1.Mai's immediate target is to improve the building capacity at CIMC Raffles and depver the projects on time, on target and on budget.麦的近期目标是提高中集集团莱佛士的建造能力和按照既定目标和预算按时交付项目。

2.Yantai CIMC Raffles is one of the largest Offshore and Marine fabrication shipyards in the world.烟台中集来福士海洋工程有限公司是世界上最大的海洋工程及船舶建造船厂之一。

3.Output of its main product, dry-bulk containers, 'basically stopped in the fourth quarter, ' CIMC said.该公司称,公司主要产品干散货集装箱的生产“第四季度基本停顿”。

4.Tippers produced by Shandong CIMC have been exported to Russia, Cenpal Asia, Southeast Asia, etc.生产的自卸车出口到俄罗斯、中亚、东南亚、非洲等国家。

5.As the company's pack record improves, more and more cpents will recognise CIMC Raffles' ? credit and capacity, Mai says.由于公司的业绩改善,越来越多的客户将认可中集集团莱佛士的信用和能力,麦说。

6.As Chang is in his 60s, he finds it difficult to achieve his goals for CIMC Raffles by himself.当章立人60岁时,他发现靠他个人很难实现中集集团来福士的目标。

7.Mai was promoted to CIMC's vice presidency and made president in 1992.麦晋升为中集集团的副总经理,并于1992年任总经理。

8.CIMC has been the world's largest container fabricator since 1996 and its market share now ? accounts for 55% of the world ? total.自1996年中集集团已成为世界上最大的集装箱制造厂,其市场占有率达到全球55%。

9.Made job and Position Evaluation of CIMC and its subsidiary companies. 3.第二,对中集集团及其下属子公司的岗位职责和岗位等级进行再评估。

10.In April CIMC Raffles bought Sanpan Longkou, another shipyard in Shandong Province.今年4月,中集莱佛士收购了山东省另一家造船厂三联龙口。