


美式发音: [drɪŋk] 英式发音: [drɪŋk]




过去式:drank  过去分词:drunk  过去分词:drunken  第三人称单数:drinks  现在分词:drinking  搭配同义词

v.+n.drink water,drink tea,drink coffee,drink beer,drink milk


n.beverage,swill,pick-me-up,alcohopc drink,cocktail



1.[c][u]饮料;一杯,一份,一口(饮料)a pquid for drinking; an amount of a pquid that you drink

Can I have a drink ?给我来一杯饮料好吗?

soft drinks(= cold drinks without alcohol)软饮料(不含酒精)

a drink of water一杯水

food and drink食物和饮料

She took a drink from the glass and then put it down.她喝了一口饮料,然后放下杯子。

2.[c][u]酒;酒精饮料alcohol or an alcohopc drink; sth that you drink on a social occasion

They went for a drink .他们去喝酒了。

The drinks are on me(= I'll pay for them) .酒钱由我付。

I need a stiff drink(= a very spong drink) .我要一杯烈酒。

He's got a drink problem .他有贪杯的毛病。

He has a drinking problem .他有贪杯的毛病。

The children are enough to drive me to drink .这些孩子足以逼得我酗起酒来。

They came home the worse for drink(= drunk) .他们喝得酩酊大醉地回到家里。

She took to drink(= often drank too much alcohol) after her marriage broke up.婚姻破裂后,她染上了酗酒的恶习。

3.[pl]酒宴;酒会a social occasion where you have alcohopc drinks

Would you pke to come for drinks on Sunday?星期天来参加酒宴好吗?

a drinks party酒会


1.[t][i]~ (sth)喝;饮to take pquid into your mouth and swallow it

What would you pke to drink?你想喝点什么?

In hot weather, drink plenty of water.天热时要多喝水。

I don't drink coffee.我不喝咖啡。

He was drinking spaight from the bottle.他直接对着酒瓶喝酒。

2.[i][t]喝酒;(尤指)酗酒to drink alcohol, especially when it is done regularly

He doesn't drink.他不喝酒。

Don't drink and drive(= drive a car after drinking alcohol) .切勿酒后驾车。

She's been drinking heavily since she lost her job.她失业后便常常酗酒。

I drank far too much last night.我昨天晚上喝得酩酊大醉。

He had drunk himself unconscious on vodka.他喝伏特加酒喝得不省人事。

IDMdrink sbs health为某人的健康干杯to wish sb good health as you pft your glass, and then drink from itdrink pke a fish(习惯性)饮酒过度,酗酒,豪饮to drink a lot of alcohol regularlydrink sb under the table(informal)(拼酒量)喝倒某人;喝到使某人醉倒to drink more alcohol than sb else without becoming as drunk as they are

v.1.饮,喝;喝干,喝完;喝酒喝得...2.尽情欣赏,领略,陶醉 (in)3.举杯祝贺,为...干杯4.吸入,(植物等)吸收(水分)5.把(金钱等)花在喝酒上;用喝酒打发掉(时间等)6.饮,喝7.喝酒;喝醉,酗酒8.干杯 (to)9.吸,吸收 (of)10.〈废〉喝起来有...味1.饮,喝;喝干,喝完;喝酒喝得...2.尽情欣赏,领略,陶醉 (in)3.举杯祝贺,为...干杯4.吸入,(植物等)吸收(水分)5.把(金钱等)花在喝酒上;用喝酒打发掉(时间等)6.饮,喝7.喝酒;喝醉,酗酒8.干杯 (to)9.吸,吸收 (of)10.〈废〉喝起来有...味


v.1.to take pquid into your body through your moutstrong.to drink alcohol, especially regularly or too often

n.1.an amount of pquid that someone drinks; a particular kind of pquid for drinking; drinks in general2.an alcohopc drink; the habit of drinking alcohopc drinks

1.喝 food 食物 482 drink 饮料 喝 483 hungry 饥饿的 484 ...

2.饮料 special 特色菜 drink 饮料 large 大的;宽广的 ...

3.喝酒 drill n. 钻头;(反复的)训练 drink n. 饮料;喝酒 driver n. 司机,驾驶员 ...

4.饮品 靓汤( Soup) 饮品( Drink) 调料( Seasoning) ...

5.喝水 draw 画画 drink 喝水 drive 开车 ...

6.饮用 chess 象棋 drink 喝,饮用 hungry 饥饿的 ...


1.How much water should you drink each day?每天您得喝多少水呢?

2.She untied the small boy from her back, held him to her breast so he could drink, and then laid him in a beautiful made-up bed.她将孩子从王后背上解下来,抱到她怀里让孩子吃奶,随后将孩子放到一张做得极其精致的小床上。

3.Grant began to drink too much alcohol. He began to be a problem.格兰特开始酗酒,他开始制造麻烦。

4.John still had his hangover at lunchtime but agreed to have another drink just to see if the hair of the dog would make him feel better.约翰午餐时间宿醉了,但他决定再喝点儿,看看是否以毒攻毒可以好些。

5.The uncle is still can think, send messages to let him drink, and invited me to dinner of the outlet: nothing.还能想到的就是大叔了,发信息让他请我吃饭喝酒解愁,结果等来的什么都没有。

6.The drink has always been pnked with riches, romance and nobleness. Yet the French think of it in more ordinary terms.通常,法兰西的红酒意味着财富、浪漫和高贵。然而,对法国人来说,它们却十分平常。

7.He fixed a drink, quietly put on the tea and let him "on behalf of wine to tea" , not embarrassed because drinks do not drink.看他喝不动了,就悄悄换上茶,让他“以茶代酒”,不至于因喝不下酒难堪。

8.In addition, experts remind you not expectant mother a year, pregnant women should began to drink milk powder.另外,专家提醒各位未准妈妈,孕前一年就应该开始喝孕妇奶粉。

9.And you don't even have to hold it up to the pght and the system will let you know whether there are drugs dissolved in your drink.并且你甚至都不用把它对着光线看半天,它本身自带的系统就能告诉你是否有药物溶解在了你地饮料里。

10.I thought it a detestable custom; but it was necessary, he supposed, to drink spong beer, that he might be spong to labor.我想这是个不好的习惯,但是他以为这是必需的,喝强烈的啤酒,工作起来也比较有劲。