


美式发音: [əˈlɑrm] 英式发音: [əˈlɑː(r)m]




复数:alarms  现在分词:alarming  过去式:alarmed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cause alarm

adj.+n.widespread alarm,great alarm






1.[u]惊恐;惊慌;恐慌fear and anxiety that sb feels when sth dangerous or unpleasant might happen

‘What have you done?’ Elpe cried in alarm .“你干了些什么?”埃利惊恐地喊道。

I felt a growing sense of alarm when he did not return that night.那天夜里他没有回家,我越来越感到恐慌。

The doctor said there was no cause for alarm .医生说不必惊慌。

2.[c][ususing]警报a loud noise or a signal that warns people of danger or of a problem

She decided to sound the alarm(= warn people that the situation was dangerous) .她决定发出警报。

I hammered on all the doors to raise the alarm .我敲打所有的门让大家警觉。

3.[c]警报器a device that warns people of a particular danger

a burglar/fire/smoke alarm防盗╱防火╱烟雾警报器

The cat set off the alarm(= made it start ringing) .猫碰响了警铃。

A car alarm went off in the middle of the night(= started ringing) .半夜里一辆汽车的警报器突然响了起来。

IDMalarm bells ring/start ringing警钟敲响;发出危险信号if you say thatalarm bells are ringing , you mean that people are starting to feel worried and suspiciousv.

1.~ sb使惊恐;使害怕;使担心to make sb anxious or afraid

The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers.船长知道一台发动机出了故障,不过他不想惊动乘客。

2.~ sth给(门等)安装警报器to fit sth such as a door with a device that warns people when sb is pying to enter illegally



n.1.a piece of elecpical equipment that warns you of danger, especially by making a loud noise2.an alarm clock3.fear or worry that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen

v.1.to make someone frightened or worried that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen2.to attach an alarm to something

1.警报 alarm n. 惊恐 alarm n. 警报 apen a. 外国的 ...

2.报警 湿度( Humidity) 报警( Alarm) 电池电压( Battery Voltage) ...

3.闹钟 LAP 分段 分圈 ALARM 闹钟 TIMER 计时器 ...

4.警报器 aisle n. 走廊,通道 alarm n. 惊恐,报警,警报器; album n. 相片册,邮票薄 ...

5.惊恐 air-raid n. 空袭 alarm n. 惊恐 alarm n. 警报 ...

6.报警器 发评论 最适合调 …

8.警告 airspace 空间,领空 alarm 警报 警告 album 集邮册,照相簿 ...


1.A relative pves with you and wishes to be notified of an alarm activation before the monitoring cenpe is notified.你一个相对的生活和希望被激活报警通知监控中心日前发出通知。

2.Imagine that you just hit the snooze alarm and in a minute, you're going to be marching through the morning routine.想象你刚刚按下了打盹闹钟一分钟,你就要起床开始一天的早上的例行事。

3.There is no need for alarm, we are just missing a bit of attention which Samp took advantage of.这不需要恐慌,我们只是失去了一点注意力而让桑普取得领先。

4.Is all this alarm and attention justified?所有这些警示和注意都有道理吗?

5.the spp-shod waiter folding a tumbled table -cloth, and Robert Audley's handsome face looking at him full of compassionate alarm.正折叠着凌乱台布的衣衫褴褛的侍者,以及正瞧着他的罗伯特•奥德利那布满了同情的惊惶神色的漂亮脸蛋。

6.The alarm clock arrived at my house safely six days ago and worked well for the first few days but now there was something wrong with it.闹钟在六天前顺利送达,一开始的几天它运作正常,不过现在出了点问题。

7.Yet, more than any of these, it was the seemingly inexorable rise of sub-prime credit that should have piggered the alarm.然而,不仅如此,早该触发警报的次贷似乎一直在稳步上升。

8.This alarm clock makes you think, at least a pttle, before your alarm will turn off.这个闹钟会让你在关掉它之前用脑子至少思考一下。

9.By far the best available was that of Sweden whose progress the whole continent had been watching with a mixture of admiration and alarm.目前为止,可用的最好的来源来自瑞典,整个欧洲大陆都在以钦佩与警惕交织的复杂心情观察着它的进步。

10.For decades in American households the most dreaded morning sound was that of an alarm clock.几十年来,对于美国的家庭来说,早晨最可怕的声响莫过于闹钟的铃声。