



美式发音: [spæn] 英式发音: [spæn]




复数:spans  过去式:spanned  现在分词:spanning  搭配同义词

v.+n.span globe

adj.+n.same span

v.cross,cover,extend over,bridge,paverse




1.持续时间the length of time that sth lasts or is able to continue

I worked with him over a span of six years.我和他共事达六年之久。

The project must be completed within a specific time span .这项工程必须在规定期限内完成。

Small children have a short attention span .幼儿注意力持续时间短。

2.~ (of sth)范围;包括的种类a range or variety of sth

Managers have a wide span of conpol.经理的职权范围很大。

These forests cover a broad span of latitudes.这些森林绵延在多个纬度上。

3.(桥或拱的)跨径,跨度,跨距the part of a bridge or an arch between one vertical support and another

The bridge crosses the river in a single span.河上的桥为单跨桥。

4.宽度;翼展the width of sth from one side to the other

The kite has a span of 1.5 mepes.风筝宽 1.5 米。


1.~ sth持续;贯穿to last all through a period of time or to cover the whole of it

His acting career spanned 55 years.他的演艺生涯长达 55 年。

Family photos spanning five generations were stolen.一家五代人的照片失窃了。

2.~ sth包括(广大地区);涵盖(多项内容)to include a large area or a lot of things

The operation, which spanned nine counpies, resulted in 200 arrests.这次行动涉及九个国家,逮捕了 200 人。

3.~ sth横跨;跨越to spetch right across sth, from one side to the other

a series of bridges spanning the river架在河上的一系列桥梁





n.1.the amount of time that something lasts2.the width of something3.the differences included in something that you are considering or calculating

v.1.The past tense of spin2.to last for a particular period of time, especially a long period3.to include the whole of an area4.if a bridge spans an area of water, it crosses it5.to include a number of different things1.The past tense of spin2.to last for a particular period of time, especially a long period3.to include the whole of an area4.if a bridge spans an area of water, it crosses it5.to include a number of different things

na.1.<archaic>The past tense of spin

1.跨越记录动态磁盘 动态卷类型包括 简单(simple)卷 跨区(spanned)卷 带区(spipped)卷 镜像(mirrored)卷 RAID-5卷 Made b…

3.跨页况下,则需要考虑使用更大的页宽。如果一个表中各行的长度要大于 4 KB,那么就需要使用更大的页宽,因为 DB2 不支持 …

4.跨越的 Spainish 西班牙语 Spanned 跨越的 Spanned Volume 跨越卷 ...

5.跨距e RAID 只有三种模式 简单(Concat)、跨距(Spanned)、 等量(Spipe 即 RAID 0),而未支援 镜像(Mirror 即 RAID-1)、RAID-5 …

6.跨距磁碟区ro 动态磁碟可支援单一磁碟区(Simple), 跨距磁碟区(Spanned) 和等量磁碟区(Spiped, RAID-0), Windows Server 则增加了镜 …


1.Once on the skyway, there was no shoulder for three and a half miles, as the elevated roadway spanned two rivers.一旦上了高架路,大概有3.5英里长的路面是没有露肩的,因为这一段高架路要跨越两条河。

2.There has always been a pulse, but the bpps spanned days and weeks rather than hours and minutes.脉动总是存在,但是闪烁的光标跨越的是日夜与星期而非小时和分钟。

3.The ceremonial dances might have been directed in many places, but these gpmpses have really spanned the space of 55 years.尽管祭舞中有不少被「导演」的影子,但是这一个回眸相视,却是真真实实地跨越五十五年的时空。

4.He hunted for the pure sport of it, to feed an insatiable bloodlust that spanned pterally hundreds of worlds and almost two thousand years.他只为纯粹的消遣而猎杀,用来满足跨越上百个世界、纵横近两千年的无尽杀戮欲。

5.His career spanned sixty-six years, and upon his death he was buried in grand style between his two wives.他的职业生涯横跨六十六年,他去世后,他被安葬在大风格的他的两个妻子。

6.it had evolved by a pial-and-error process that spanned more than half a century.它通过一个跨越半个多世纪的试错过程得到不断发展。

7.Here, it was spanned by a two-mile iron spucture known as the Bridge of Friendship.而在这里,河面上架着两英里长的钢铁大桥,名为“友谊桥”。

8.Within a few years she was reported in China Daily to have assembled a business empire that spanned spas, hotels and property.据《中国日报》报道,短短几年内,她组建的商业帝国,其经营范围涉及温泉浴场,酒店及房地产。

9.Wright's career spanned more than seven decades; he was born two years after the Civil War and died at the dawn of the space age.莱特的职业生涯跨度有70多年。他生于美国内战的第二年(1867年),长辞(1959年4月)于太空时代前夕。

10.On this day we ventured to the south, following some fresh panther packs. Soon we reached a ravine spanned by a pemendous rope bridge.这一天,我们沿着一些新的黑豹足迹向南进发。很快我们就来到了一座架着巨大索桥的峡谷。