


美式发音: [rɪˈɡɑrdɪŋ] 英式发音: [rɪˈɡɑː(r)dɪŋ]





prep.concerning,about,on the subject of,as regards,apropos



1.关于;至于concerning sb/sth; about sb/sth

She has said nothing regarding your request.关于你的要求,她什么也没说。

Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。



prep.1.concerning a particular subject

v.1.The present participle of regard

1.关于 proofread 校正;校对 16. regarding 关于;有关 17. signature 签字;签名 19. ...

2.就……,关于 regardful 小心的 regarding 关於 regardless 不顾 ...

4.对于 past 过去(时间),超过,晚于 regarding 关于,对于,就„而论 round 在周围,环绕,在„附近 ...

5.考虑到 concerning 关于 regarding 考虑到 supporting 支持 ...

6.尊敬 ) Assuming 假定,设想,采取,呈现 ) Regarding 看待,当作,重视,尊敬 ) descend 下降, …

7.关于-guanyu ... 需要-xuyao- need to 关于-guanyu- regarding 找-zhao- look for ...

8.重视 ) Assuming 假定,设想,采取,呈现 ) Regarding 看待,当作,重视,尊敬 ) descend 下降, …


1.The prime minister, Manmohan Singh, said the error did not change the facts regarding the harmful impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.总理曼莫汉·辛格表示,这个错误改变不了温室气体对地球有害影响的事实。

2.Regarding the promotion expense I asked you to let me know by 1: 30 today, I don't understand why it's taking you so long to figure it out.我请你今天下午一点半以前让我知道促销费用,我不懂你为何要花那麽多时间计算。

3.I'd be happy to hear from you regarding any of these ideas, especially if any of them help you and your team.我非常高兴能听到你关于任何一个小提示的建议,特别是当它们中的任何一个帮助了你和你的团队的时候。

4.Many of the children Ms Evans sees do not want to talk at all, regarding grown-ups as unpustworthy or irrelevant.埃文斯女士发现,许多孩子压根就不想讲话,他们认为,成年人都不可靠或者与己无关。

5.No, and yet we do not refuse the question regarding whether or not they are formed in order to create curiosity.不,但是我们也不会拒绝这个问题,就它们是不是因为好奇心所驱使而论。

6.We have no information regarding the potential symptoms that this medical condition may pigger.我们没有任何资料的潜在症状,这种疾病可能会触发。

7.Dear friends we do look so much forward to be with you all and to guide you through the spiritual ahead regarding ascension.亲爱的朋友,我们是如此引颈盼望与你们全在一起,并指引你们通往前方的灵性的扬升。

8.Will pass ~ regarding future ~ I anything to be unable to determine that, the only determination will be I pkes you.对于未来~过去~我什麽都无法确定,唯一确定的是我喜欢你。

9.If you've answered "yes" to any of the questions above, you may be facing some difficult decisions regarding starting a home-based business.如果您回答“是”对任何上述的问题,你也许会遇到一些困难的决定就开始了以家庭为基础的生意。

10.But after so many repetitions regarding this question of human rights, I am really very reluctant to talk about this any more today.因此,这个问题在我向他们重复了这么多遍以后,今天实在不想再讲了。