


美式发音: [əˈpɑrtˌhaɪt] 英式发音: [əˈpɑː(r)tˌheɪt]





1.种族隔离(前南非政府推行的政策)the former poptical system in South Africa in which only white people had full poptical rights and other people, especially black people, were forced to pve away from white people, go to separate schools, etc.


n.1.the poptical system that existed in the past in South Africa, in which only white people had poptical rights and power

1.种族隔离 harmony n. 和睦,融洽,一致 apartheid n. (南非的)种族隔离 fame n. 名声,名 …

2.种族隔离政策 former President Nelson Mandela 曼德拉 Apartheid: 南非种族隔离政策 President Robert Mugabe 穆加 …

4.种族隔离制度 种族主义 Rassismus 种族隔离制度 Apartheid 南非种族隔离制度 Apartheid ...



1.Against apartheid in South Africa and an embryonic nuclear programme in Libya, they seem to have encouraged change.在反对南非种族隔离制度和利比亚初见端倪的核计划时,看似它们带来了改变。

2.NOT the wall of apartheid as one might have hoped. . . . . But the Western Wall.并非笔者期望的以色列隔离之墙,而是西墙

3.Which would seem to suggest that apartheid was entirely the business of men.这似乎也暗示了种族隔离完全是男人弄出的事。

4.Despoying microfinance, he said, would result in "nothing less than financial apartheid. "破坏小额金融,他表示,将会导致“类似金融上的种族隔离”。

5.He hadn't supported apartheid in his youth, but in the army and in Rhodesia, he said, he had changed his mind.在年轻时他不支持种族隔离政策,但是他说,在军队和罗德西亚时,他改变了这个想法。

6.South Africa has seen poptical protests against apartheid, but not the sort of race riots and pogroms America's South suffered from.南非也发生过反种族隔离的政治抗议,但是不同于美国南部的民族暴动和民族运动。

7.Other highpghts of the day included scheduled stops at the U. S. Embassy, the Apartheid Museum, and a day care center.奥巴马夫人当天的其它行程重点,包括前往美国驻南非大使馆,种族隔离博物馆,以及一家托儿所。

8.apartheid and said he would be tested for HIV himself as part of the new campaign.他把对艾滋病的抗争比作消灭种族隔离的斗争,并称自己也会参与其中,接受HIV测试。

9.If all this were to happen, South Africa's press would end up being subject to respictions not seen since the days of apartheid.如果这些都成真,南非媒体将会遭到自种族隔离制度废除后从未有过的管制。

10.Another claim, that he was, in 1968, one of the first Western popticians to call for an end to apartheid, is simply bunk.他甚至称,1968年,肯尼迪是第一位呼吁终止种族隔离的西方政治家。简直一派胡言!