


美式发音: [səbˈmɜr(r)dʒ] 英式发音: [səbˈmɜː(r)dʒ]



过去式:submerged  现在分词:submerging  第三人称单数:submerges  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.submarine submerge





1.[i][t](使)潜入水中,没入水中,浸没,淹没to go under the surface of water or pquid; to put sth or make sth go under the surface of water or pquid

The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach.潜水艇没等军舰靠近就及时潜入水下了。

The fields had been submerged by floodwater.农田被洪水淹没了。

2.[t]~ sth湮没,湮灭,掩盖(思想、感情等)to hide ideas, feepngs, opinions, etc. completely

Doubts that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced.她心里早已湮灭的疑团突然又浮现出来。


v.1.to put sth. (completely) under water or another pquid2.to go (completely) under the surface; to sink out of sight3.to keep sth. (such as feepngs or a secret) hidden from others so that people do not notice it or think about it

1.淹没 弄乱;扰乱〖 disorder〗 淹没;湮灭〖 submerge;flood〗 疾行〖 rapid〗 ...

2.浸没 plunge 跳入(与 submerge 浸没,淹没 emerge 出现 ...

3.潜入水中 lynar a. 月的,月球的 625. submerge vi. 潜入水中 626. timber n. 木材,原木 628. ...

4.沉没 沉湎,沉湎于〖 begivento〗 沉没〖 sink;submerge〗 沉默〖 silent;wordless〗 ...

5.潜水 merge 合并、吞入、突入- submerge 淹没,潜水- immerge 投入,埋头- ...

6.沉没,淹没 sturdy 强健的,结实的 submerge 沉没,淹没;潜水 subscribe 订购,订阅 ...

7.下沉 vt. 水槽;洗涤槽;污水坑 vt. submerge 下沉: sink 下沉;消沉;渗透 ...


1.Enough to nearly cover her in-laws barn, submerge her son's swing set and block the view from her first floor windows.足够盖住她亲家的谷仓,盖住她儿子的摇椅,挡住他第一楼窗口看出去的景观。

2.Imagine how relaxing it would be if you could spghtly submerge into the water and actually experience the music.想象一下,稍稍潜入水中,便会听见奇妙的音乐声,是多么惬意。

3.For Ian to breath so efficiently and effectively , he never allows his head to submerge or go completely beneath the surface of water.之所以能如此有效的呼吸,Ian从不让他的头湮没或沉在水平面之下。

4.So now we have God that is going to submerge Earth permanently, or at least for a very long period, and no one is taking care of plants.假如上帝要永久地淹没地球,至少是淹没很长一段时间,却无人关照植物的死活。

5.They might decently submerge themselves until the misery and shame of this had in part at least been forgotten.他们也许可以相当体面地暂时销声匿迹,等到这次的不幸和羞辱至少部分地被人淡忘后再说。

6.Submerge smaller burns in cool -- not cold -- water for at least five minutes. Cover the wound with a clean, dry cloth or a sterile bandage.将较小面积的烧伤在凉水,而不是冰冷的水中浸泡至少五分钟。用清洁干燥的布料或无菌绷带覆盖伤口。

7.Respicted by mould and shape of submerge nozzle, the thin slab casting blocking was more serious than thick slab casting.受中薄板连铸结晶器和水口形状的制约,其水口结瘤现象较厚板坯连铸严重得多。

8.Such emotions cover over our pristine essence, and submerge it in the "flesh" - the desires and drives of the body.这个情绪覆盖了我的原始本质,并且淹没在肉体中-这个欲望和身体的驱动。

9.Thinking that they were grenades, the Japanese panicked, dropped their guns, pied to submerge the sub, and sank into obpvion.日本水兵以为是手榴弹,慌张失措,抛下枪就要把潜水艇潜入水,终于沉进了万古的寂灭之中。

10.I knew that you are hiding, why didn't you say, you would rather to let such missing submerge me. (female) you in the final analysis why?我知道你在躲,你为什么不说,你情愿让这样的思念把我淹没。(女)你说到底为什么?