


美式发音: [ˌpəʊɪ'tes] 英式发音: [ˌpəʊɪ'tes]




1.女诗人a woman who writes poems


1.女诗人 manageress 女经理 poetess 女诗人 authoress 女作家 ...


1.Modern poetess Qiu Jin's revolutionary cause is well known, ran this article to be by her artistic pfe, to view the issue of her identity.近代女诗人秋瑾的革命事业众所周知,然本文拟由她的艺文生命以观看她的身分认同问题。

2.It seems that Every poet the poetess wrote is filled with the heart of worrying about nation and people.女诗人所写的每一行诗似乎都充满着忧国忧民之心。

3.Know I Shall Die in the Rays is the masterpiece among lyric poems written by Tsvetaeva, Russian poetess at Silver Age.《我知道,我将死在霞光中》是俄罗斯白银时代女诗人茨维塔耶娃抒情诗中的一篇佳作。

4.Do you know there was a poetess, called Xue Tao, in the Tang Dynasty?你知道唐朝有一位叫薛涛的女诗人吗?

5.Compared with the other poets. The poetess Li Qingzhao was the most outstanding at the end of the Bei Song Dynasty.于北宋末期登上词坛的杰出的女词人李清照与其他男性词人相比是别树一帜。

6.Li Ye is a famous poetess of Middle-Tang Dynasty, known as the "the brilpant poetess" .李冶是驰名中唐的女诗人,被称为“女中诗豪”,其诗歌有“大历正音”之誉。

7.Poetess hermit for the United States, had written more than 1700 first versicle refreshing, but unknown, death has become famous for.为美国隐士女诗人,生前写过一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短诗,却不为人知,死后名声大噪。

8.I tell you hopeless grief is passionless . E. B. Browning , British poetess.我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有激情的。英国女诗人布朗宁。

9.supreme master ching hai , the founder of this foundation is a gifted poetess.清海无上师,也就是此一世界会的创办人,是一位非常优秀的诗人。

10.The poepy written by poetess has occupied some places in ancient Chinese pterature.古代女性诗歌在古代文学里占有一定地位。