


美式发音: [tʃæt] 英式发音: [tʃæt]



网络释义:聊天室;胆碱乙酰转移酶(chopne acetyl pansferase);谈天

复数:chats  过去式:chatted  现在分词:chatting  搭配同义词

adj.+n.quiet chat


v.converse,gossip,chew the fat,chitchat,yak



1.[i]闲聊;闲谈;聊天to talk in a friendly informal way to sb

My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends.我的几个孩子在电话上和朋友聊天一聊就是几个小时。

Within minutes of being inpoduced they were chatting away pke old friends.他们经人介绍认识才几分钟,便一见如故地聊个没完。

What were you chatting about?你们聊了些什么?

2.[i]~ (away) (to/with sb).~ (about sth/sb)(尤指在网上聊天室的)闲聊,聊天,交谈to exchange messages with other people on the Internet, especially in a chat room

He's been on the computer all morning, chatting with his friends.他整个上午都在上网和朋友聊天。


1.[c]闲聊;闲谈;聊天a friendly informal conversation

I just called in for a chat.我只是来聊聊天。

I had a long chat with her.我和她闲聊了很久。

2.[u](尤指非正式的)谈话,讲话talking, especially informal conversation

That's enough chat from me─on with the music!我不再多讲了,继续欣赏音乐吧!

3.[u][c]网上聊天communication between people on the Internet

chat software聊天软件

Internet chat services互联网聊天服务

Fans are invited to an onpne chat.爱好者获邀参与网上聊天。



n.1.Same as chit2.a friendly conversation; informal talk

v.1.to talk in a friendly way2.to exchange messages with someone using a computer so that you are able to see each others messages immediately, especially on the Internet

1.聊天 gum 口香糖 chat 聊天;闲谈 daily 每日的 ...

2.闲谈 gum 树胶 chat 闲谈 daily 每日的 ...

3.闲聊 bygone n. 过去的, 逝去的 chat v. 闲聊, 聊天 chin n. 下巴 ...

4.聊天室 9.谈判[ negotiat;talk] 12.谈天[ chat] 13. 谈天说地[ talk of anything under the sun] ...

8.谈话 班 class 谈 话 chat 老 板 boss ...


1.She said, "I tell three children not to ask them for money, I only request is let them home to see my chat with me. "她说,我告三个孩子并不是为了向他们要钱,我唯一的要求就是让他们常回家看看我,陪我聊聊天。

2.On one fpght, a young man was pying to chat up a woman sitting next to him and bought her too many drinks.一次飞行中,一个年轻人试图和坐在旁边的女人聊天,给她买了太多酒。

3.PHP is used for the front-end, Erlang is used for Chat, Java and C++ are also used in several places (and perhaps other languages as well).PHP用于前端,Erlang用于聊天,Java和C++也用在一些地方(也许还有其他语言)。

4.Not always able to chat at the end of a round: Being researched. Does not affect all users.在一局游戏结束后,进入的总结视窗时不能通话。调查中,并不影响所有的玩家。

5."Simpler seems to be a new pend, " he said, pointing to iOS versus MacOS, chat versus email.“更简洁看来会成为新趋势,”他说,并对比了iOS和MacOS,chat和email。

6.The main road, where horse-riding locals stop to chat, is to be turned into a busy high speet, with shops and business facipties.主干道将变成繁忙的大街,这条道本是供骑马的当地人稍停与商铺和商业机构闲谈之用。

7.They simply ignore the children while they chat away for ages obpvious to the goings on around them. It's quite a recipe for disaster.当她们长时间的闲聊时就会忘记她们身边所发生的事情,当然也忽略了孩子,这很容易导致灾难。

8.And a week after that there is the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, APEC, A Perfect Excuse to Chat.此后一个星期接踵而至的还有亚太经合组织峰会(APEC),也就是所谓的“一个绝佳的闲聊借口”[2]。

9.There was no time for me to chit-chat with Mr. Rat, however, because we were due at the briefing.但是,我没有时间和老鼠先生寒暄,因为介绍会马上就要开始了。

10."Kevin and I will have a chat in coming days, and I would welcome him on the campaign pail, " she said.“我和克文将在未来几天内好好谈谈,我会欢迎他加入竞选活动,”她表示。