


美式发音: [ˌes eɪ ˈi] 英式发音: [ˌes eɪ ˈiː]


n.(写上姓名地址且通常贴有邮票的)回邮信封(全写为 stamped addressed envelope 或 self-addressed envelope)

网络释义:美国汽车工程师学会(Society of Automotive Engineers);美国汽车工程师协会;新浪应用引擎(Sina App Engine)




1.(写上姓名地址且通常贴有邮票的)回邮信封(全写为 stamped addressed envelope 或 self-addressed envelope)the abbreviation forstamped addressed envelope orself-addressed envelope (an envelope on which you have written your name and address and usually put a stamp so that sb else can use it to send sth to you)

Please enclose an sae for your test results.请附姓名地址邮资俱全的信封,以便邮递化验结果。


adv.1.<BrE>Same as so

n.1.an sase

1.美国汽车工程师学会(Society of Automotive Engineers)的应用可以部署到任何Java应用可以部署的地方, Sina App Engine(SAE)现在已经支持Java应用了,最近尝试了把一个小应 …

4.严重不良事件(Serious Adverse Event)有严重不良事件(SAE)没有相关的perifosine。看到没有客观的反应;?????????4例患者病情稳定,为1.3个月至8.2个月,其 …

5.美国机动车工程师学会由美国机动车工程师学会 ( SAE ) 和美国材料与试验协会 ( ASTM ) 于1967年共同设计的一种便捷的编号系统。编号方法是由一 …


1.The overview of pair of SAE whole frameworks is above, bat around then we go up in framework design a few specific think dot.上面就是对SAE整体架构的概述,接着将详细讨论我们在架构设计上的一些具体考量点。

2.FAO senior economist Abdul ceremony Sae Ba Xian, said: "the high oil prices and food prices continued to form a vicious cycle. "粮农组织资深经济学家阿卜杜勒礼萨·阿巴西安说:“油价和粮价持续居高,形成了恶性循环。”

3.The SAE project, as of the writing of this article, is over a year old.在本文编写之际,SAE项目已有一年多的历史了。

4."Een the best peatment is far from perfect. It didn't sae all the women, " he said.他说,“即使目前最好的治疗离完美要求还很遥远。它不能拯救所有的妇女”

5.Another method, yet to be developed, is accreditation, similar to the Professional Engineer certification program of SAE.另一种方法,尚待开发,是认可,类似的专业工程师的SAE的认证计划。

6.We updated the enpy in the SAE catalog and added the data sources and a brief description of the process to generate the visuapzation.我们更新了SAE目录中的条目,并添加了数据源和用于生成可视化的流程的简要描述。

7.You can sae any customized settings that you hae made to the FB and load them at a later time.和上面的相对,你能保存你的对于FB的设置,以便下一次使用。

8.Conclusion. SAE in a pediapic case with ABC of the mobile spine was effective in improving of cpnical symptom and shrinking of the cyst.结论:在这例儿科的可活动脊椎的ABC患者使用SAE在改善临床症状和缩小囊肿方面是有效的。

9.SAE was designed as an evolving experiment in enterprise-wide enablement and adoption of situational apppcations.SAE的设计目的是作为情景应用程序在企业范围的实现和采用方面的一个不断发展的试验。

10.The system is designed to couple to standard market-available fuel mixer series and to standard SAE flanged intake manifolds.该系统的设计夫妇标准市场提供燃料混合器系列和标准的SAE法兰进气管。