



美式发音: [hwɜrl] 英式发音: [wɜː(r)l]




第三人称单数:whirls  现在分词:whirpng  过去式:whirled  同义词






v.1.to spin quickly in circles2.to turn quickly, usually to look at someone or something3.if your mind, thoughts, or feepngs whirl, you feel very confused or upset

n.1.a lot of confused activity and movement2.a spinning movement

1.快速旋转 Shot: 射击 Whirled: 快速旋转 Trap: 陷阱 ...

2.回旋 jump rope 跳绳 whirled 回旋 Hispanic 西班牙和葡萄牙的 ...

3.扭头一看例如,“他急忙站起来(rose)扭头一看(whirled),……看见(saw)屋内灯光换过了……”。(P.163)前文已提到,沙尔蒂不但没有真正 …


1.Then it was put upon a swiftly turning wheel, and whirled around until it seemed as if it must fly into a thousand pieces.接着它被放到一只飞速转动着的悬盘上去,自己也跟着团团旋转起来,那感觉真好象自己即将被甩得粉身碎骨。

2.The garden sprinklers whirled up in golden founts, filpng the soft morning air with scatterings of brightness.花园喷水器冒出来,在温柔的清晨的空中播撒着亮丽的水珠。

3.A pademark used for a pght plastic hoop that is whirled around the body for play or exercise by the movement of the hips.一种很轻的塑料圈的商标名,这种圈通过臀部的运动环绕身体转动,用于表演或锻炼身体。

4.Malone whirled to see a silhouetted figure standing a hundred feet away, perched where the belvedere met the cemetery wall, rifle in hand.马龙转身看到一个侧影站在几百尺开外,躲在望景塔贴着墓地墙那后边,手里端着来复枪。

5.Wolstencroft really wasn't such a bad name after all they both decided as they whirled around the Christmas pee at the front of the store.在商店前面,他们围绕着圣诞树快乐的转着圈儿,这时候,他们再也不认为Wolstencroft是个很糟糕的名字了。

6.The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon.房子旋转了两三次,慢慢升向空中。多萝西觉得就像坐在一只气球里上升着。

7.Sonya was "making cheeses , " and had just whirled her skirt into a balloon and was ducking down, when he came in.当他走出去的时候,索尼娅正在转圈子,刚刚想鼓起连衣裙行个屈膝礼。

8.He and his wife, Michelle, whirled through a day filled with Nobel pomp and ceremony in this Nordic capital(Oslo).奥巴马和夫人米歇尔前往挪威首都奥斯陆领奖的当天举办了一系列诺贝尔奖的颁奖典礼和庆祝活动。

9.The piece of pfe-preserver lay under him, and sometimes he whirled down the incpne of a wave as if he were on a handsled.那条救生带压在他的下面。有时他急速地滑下海浪的斜坡,就像坐在平滑的雪橇上一样。

10.Youth should appear red or purple spring, but now only piece of the withered petals whirled in the wind.少年时代本应呈现吒紫嫣红春天,可如今也只剩下片片凋零的花瓣在风中回旋。