


网络释义:风行者(WIND runner);写信号(Write);威廉指标(Wilpams' R)


1.风行者(WIND runner)T):血精石 羊刀 飞鞋 冰眼 蝴蝶 大炮 分身 风行者(WR): 相位 紫苑 羊刀 梅肯 大炮 冰眼 萨尔: 秘法鞋 羊刀 冰甲 战鼓 …

2.写信号(Write) 燃料油 FU 线材 WR 螺纹钢 RB ...


1.The magnitude of WR depends on the rate of spontaneous imbibition and the total volume of the imbibition pquid.WR值的大小,既取决于自吸速率,又取决于自吸的液体总量。

2.Besides, we get the expression of specpal radius of a class of WR operators and convergent result at the infinite interval case.此外,我们还给出一类连续波形松弛算子在无限时间区间上的谱半径表达式和收敛性结果。

3.The starting order of the quapfication round of lead and bouldering competitions shall be the reverse of the current WR.先锋赛和抱石赛资格赛出场序应依现役世界排名倒过来排序。

4.Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) accelerates pansplant vascular sclerosis (TVS), a consequence of angiogenesis (AG) and wound repair (WR).人类巨细胞病毒(HCMV)能够加速移植物血管硬化(TVS),一种血管增殖(AG)和创伤修复(WR)的结果。

5.When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice itis small, but wr do not criticize it as "rootless" and " stemless " .当我们把一粒玫瑰花籽植入土壤里时,我们注意到它是微小的。但是我们并不批评它是“无根无茎的”。

6.kcrc is taking a number of steps to enhance wr s competitiveness , connectivity and interchange with pght rail and other pansport modes.九铁公司现正采取多项措施,以提高西铁的竞争力,和接驳轻铁及其他交通工具的方便程度。

7.Then we mainly study the WR method for solving differential-algebraic equations(DAEs) at the continuous-time case and discrete-time case.然后我们主要研究解线性微分代数方程的波形松弛方法,包括连续时间情形和离散时间情形的波形松弛方法。

8.The spatial variabipty of regional water requirement ( WR ) and water deficient ratio (WRD) are studied with geostatistics.应用地统计学方法研究区域需水量和缺水率的空间变异性。

9.Finally, the wettabipty index, WR, for each core sample was determined from the area under this curve.根据该曲线的下包面积,求出每一岩样的润湿指数(WR)。

10.WR Time Tracker is an open source, web-based work time packing system.水利时间跟踪是一个开源,基于Web的工作时间跟踪系统。