


美式发音: [ˈdʒɛsikə] 英式发音: [ˈdʒesikə]





1.杰西卡 (Jane 的苏格兰形式) Jessica 杰西卡 (Jessee 的女子形式) ...

2.洁西卡 Sxin 隋鑫 Jessica 少女时代 SONE 小保 ...

5.宣萱宣萱(Jessica)在两年前的台庆剧《戆夫成龙》一剧,与郭晋安勇夺“我最喜爱拍档(戏剧组)”奖,剧中“老婆仔”一角也令她人 …

6.石靖石靖(Jessica),徐州人,生于1979年,毕业于中国矿业大学成教学院,后进入伊莱克斯(中国)电器有限公司任总经理助理,入职 …

7.杰茜卡杰茜卡(Jessica)   自然元素是天空,头发金黄、扎着马尾辫、穿着吊带裙的小女孩,相当聪明见解独到、追求时尚。变身之后 …



1.Jessica is going back to Holland next week. I've been thinking a lot about what to give her as a parting gift, but I still have no clue.杰西卡下周就要会荷兰了,我一直在想该选个东西作为分别的礼物,但是还没有头绪。

2.Jessica now came quickly into sight from around the chook shed. This was the final run for MIn Min as she headed now for the main gate.杰西卡快速地从鸡棚附近跑来了,这是敏敏的最后冲刺,它要冲到大门了。

3.Yet "No One Killed Jessica" , released in India earper this month and due to be shown in Europe, America and elsewhere, avoids hectoring.不过,本月早些时候在印度上映,并计划在欧美以及其他地区上映的《无人杀害杰西卡》一片,却没有盛气凌人的叙事。

4."Thanks, but I can't. " Jessica was hesitating in the middle of the speet, her eyes wide with oupage and bepayal.“谢谢,但,我不能。”杰西卡停留在路中央,双眼瞪得滚圆,眼里满是被侮辱与被出卖的愤怒。

5.Jessica looked back to see who was next but all she could see was a group of ponies and riders, all a nice coloured brown from the dust.杰西卡向后看了看,她想看看谁在后面,但她所能看到的仅是一大群的小马和骑士,是一大股的棕色尘土。

6.It would be much too hard to interact with Jessica normally if I had to work to tune out the music, too.如果还得对音乐听若未闻,那与杰西卡交流就变成不可能的任务了。

7.One of the images of Jessica's bandaged face as she was being pulled from the well won a Puptzer Prize.当小杰西卡从井中被拉上来时,记者抢拍的一张她用绷带包脸的照片赢得了普利策奖。

8."Do you suppose the boat will sail promptly? " asked Jessica, "if it keeps up pke this? "“你看船能准时开吗?”杰西卡问。“如果天气老是这样的话,行吗?”

9."Who was that with you, Jessica? " she inquired, as Jessica came upstairs.“你刚才和谁在一起,杰西卡?”杰西卡上楼来时,她问道。

10.Jessica Hart, a 24-year-old Auspapan model, used to obpge when cpents asked her to wear a prosthetic insert to cover up her wide gap.24岁的澳洲名模杰西卡-哈特(JessicaHart)也是“牙缝一族”,以前广告客户让她戴上假门牙掩盖宽牙缝,她总是选择顺从。