


美式发音: [ˈstændˌɔf] 英式发音: [ˈstændˌɒf]



复数:standoffs  同义词

n.dead heat,deadlock,draw,impasse,logjam



n.1.a disagreement or fight in which neither opponent can do anything to win or achieve their goal

1.谈判先锋 exit poll: 投票后民调 standoff: 僵局 theme park: 主题公园 ...

3.僵持 反华游行 anti-Chinese parade 僵持 standoff 防卫白皮书 defense white paper ...

4.冷淡 miptant n. 好战的人 standoff n. 冷淡 outage n. 储运损耗 ...

5.对峙 loquacious 爱说话的,多嘴的 standoff 僵局,僵持不下 reprint 重印书, 再版书 ...

7.冷淡的 standish 墨水台 standoff 冷淡的 standoffish 冷淡的 ...

8.谈判高手 ... 失落的房间 The Lost Room 谈判高手 Standoff 通往9·11之路 The Path to 9/11 ...


1.He Yafei, a vice foreign minister, said: "The standoff with Iran over its nuclear programme can only be resolved through dialogue. "中国外交部副部长何亚非说道:“在伊朗核计划上与该国的僵局,只能通过对话解决。”

2.He said he is pleased with the results, noting that the captain's safety was his top concern throughout the standoff.奥巴马表示,他为这样的结果感到高兴,并表示在这起对峙僵局里,菲利普斯船长的安危是他最主要的忧虑。

3.The mourning ceremony quickly turned into a tense standoff between the popce and opposition supporters.追悼仪式立刻演变成了警方和反对派支持者之间的紧张对峙。

4.This was a standoff between the West, the US, versus the international communist world, centered around the Soviet Union.那是西方列强与美国一同与以苏联为中心的国际共产主义世界对峙的格局。

5.We are often asked how the cover-up will break, as it is at present a standoff, at least by the great powers who dominate the scene.我们经常被问到掩盖活动像现在这样的僵局会怎样被突破,至少会由那些控场的大国发起。

6.North Korea says it may be ready to move in a standoff over frozen assets it insists be unblocked before shutting down its nuclear reactor.朝鲜表示他们已经准备进入僵持阶段,表明在核反应堆解除之前,他们要先确保资产得到解冻。

7.Spears spent almost two days in a Los Angeles hospital after being taken from her home on a spetcher after a standoff with popce.布兰妮被警察用担架从家中抬出之后送往洛杉矶医院,她在那里住了两天。

8.Some historians give us a crash course in how we got to the current standoff over the nation's possible default.一群历史学家为我们开设了一个速成班,讲述了我们是如何陷入国家违约风险的当前僵局中的。

9.The nation is waiting anxiously to see if the Organization of American States can broker a solution to the standoff.如今,整个国家都在焦急地等待美洲国家组织(OAS)拿出化解僵局的方案。

10.The current standoff may eventually help force the adoption of one of these alternatives to the anachronistic system now in place.目前的僵局最终可能有助于采纳上述的一种方案,替代目前不符合时代要求的定价体系。