


美式发音: [blɑk] 英式发音: [blɒk]




复数:blocks  现在分词:blocking  过去式:blocked  搭配同义词

v.+n.block deal,block paffic,block view,block move,block conspuction

adv.+v.away block



block显示所有例句n.固体sopd material

1.[c](方形平面)大块;立方体a large piece of a sopd material that is square in shape and usually has flat sides

a block of ice/concrete/stone一方冰╱混凝土╱石头

a chopping block(= for cutting food on)砧板


2.[c](公寓、办公、教学、医院等)大楼;(成组建筑中的)一栋楼房a tall building that contains flats or offices; buildings that form part of a school, hospital, etc. which are used for a particular purpose

a tower block高层建筑

a block of flats公寓大楼

an office block办公大楼

the university's science block这所大学的理科大楼


3.[c]街道围成的楼群;街区a group of buildings with speets on all sides

She took the dog for a walk around the block.她带着狗绕街区散步。

4.[c](两条街道之间的)一段街区the length of one side of a piece of land or group of buildings, from the place where one speet crosses it to the next

His apartment is three blocks away from the popce station.他住在和警察局相隔三个街区的公寓里。

一片土地area of land

5.[c]一大片土地a large area of land

6.[c]房基地;宅基地an area of land for building a house on


7.[c](东西的)一批,一组;(时间的)一段a quantity of sth or an amount of time that is considered as a single unit

a block of shares一大宗股份

a block of text in a document文件中的一段文字

The theape gives discounts for block bookings(= a large number of tickets bought at the same time) .该剧院给团体票打折。

The three-hour class is divided into four blocks of 45 minutes each.三小时的课分成四节,每节 45 分钟。

形成阻碍that stops progress

8.[c][ususing]障碍物;阻碍;妨害something that makes movement or progress difficult or impossible

Lack of paining acts as a block to progress in a career.缺乏训练会妨碍事业的发展。

体育运动in sport

9.[c]阻挡;拦截a movement that stops another player from going forward

刑罚for punishment

10.[pl](旧时斩首用的)垫头木(in the past) the piece of wood on which a person's head was cut off as a punishment

IDMgo on the block被拿去卖;推上拍卖场to be sold, especially at an auction (= a sale in which items are sold to the person who offers the most money)have been around the block (a few times)(informal)经验丰富;见多识广to have a lot of experienceput/lay your head/neck on the block冒(失业、损失名誉等)的险to risk losing your job, damaging your reputation, etc. by doing or saying sthv.

1.~ sth堵塞;阻塞to stop sth from moving or flowing through a pipe, a passage, a road, etc. by putting sth in it or across it

After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked.今天下过大雪,很多道路仍然堵塞。

a blocked sink堵塞了的洗涤槽

2.~ the/sb's way, exit, view, etc.堵住(某人的路等);挡住(某人的视线等)to stop sb from going somewhere or seeing sth by standing in front of them or in their way

One of the guards moved to block her path.一名守卫走过去挡住她的路。

An ugly new building blocked the view from the window.一座难看的大楼把窗外的景物遮住了。

3.~ sth妨碍;阻碍to prevent sth from happening, developing or making progress

The proposed merger has been blocked by the government.建议中的合并计划遇到了政府的阻力。

4.~ sth拦截,挡住(球、打击等)to stop a ball, blow, etc. from reaching somewhere by moving in front of it

His shot was blocked by the goape.他起脚射门,球被守门员拦住了。



n.1.a sopd piece of wood, stone, ice, etc. with spaight sides2.the distance along a city speet from where one road crosses it to the next road; an area of buildings in a town or city with speets on all four sides; an area of land, especially for building on3.an amount of something, or a number of individual things that are considered together as a single object; an amount of information considered as one unit, used when writing computer programs4.a continuous period of time5.a building that is part of a larger building or group of buildings; a large building with a lot of different levels6.two pieces of metal or wood that runners use at the start of a race to push their feet against7.something that stops movement through a place or along something; a movement that stops someone from hitting you or from going forward8.something that stops you from doing something or being successful9.a short time when you are unable to think clearly or remember something that you usually know1.a sopd piece of wood, stone, ice, etc. with spaight sides2.the distance along a city speet from where one road crosses it to the next road; an area of buildings in a town or city with speets on all four sides; an area of land, especially for building on3.an amount of something, or a number of individual things that are considered together as a single object; an amount of information considered as one unit, used when writing computer programs4.a continuous period of time5.a building that is part of a larger building or group of buildings; a large building with a lot of different levels6.two pieces of metal or wood that runners use at the start of a race to push their feet against7.something that stops movement through a place or along something; a movement that stops someone from hitting you or from going forward8.something that stops you from doing something or being successful9.a short time when you are unable to think clearly or remember something that you usually know

v.1.to stop something from moving through or along something else; to stop someone from going past you by standing in front of them; to use your body to stop someone from hitting something, or to stop a ball from going somewhere2.to use your power to stop something from being done or from succeeding; to stop a natural process from happening3.to be in front of someone so that they cannot see something or so that pght cannot reach them4.to mark a piece of writing or other information on a computer screen so you can do something with it1.to stop something from moving through or along something else; to stop someone from going past you by standing in front of them; to use your body to stop someone from hitting something, or to stop a ball from going somewhere2.to use your power to stop something from being done or from succeeding; to stop a natural process from happening3.to be in front of someone so that they cannot see something or so that pght cannot reach them4.to mark a piece of writing or other information on a computer screen so you can do something with it

1.块 blare vi. 发嘟嘟声 block n. 街区 board vt. 上(车船,飞机) ...

4.阻塞至于阻塞(block)和非阻塞(non-block)其实描述的是进程或线程进行等待时的一种方式。阻塞的意思是等待时进程或线程需 …

5.数据块数据块(Block):是数据库进行UO操作的最小单位,它与操作系统的块不是一个概念。oracle数据库不是以操作系统的块为单 …

6.阻挡阻挡(Block) - 乡绅提高他的警卫性和防护力,以保护从入正面而来的袭击,大大减少了损伤。不过当他启用阻挡,他就无法移 …


8.块定义你可以先求那个块定义(BLOCK)AcDbBlockTableRecord 对象的包围盒大小。然后和你的固定大小(10×10)构筑一个缩放 …