



美式发音: [rɑd] 英式发音: [rɒd]


abbr.(=rewritable optical disc)【计】可重写光盘


复数:rods  搭配同义词

adj.+n.steel rod,metal rod

v.+n.use rod

n.hot rod



abbr.1.【计】(=rewritable optical disc)可重写光盘

n.1.a long thin bar or stick made of plastic, wood, or glass; a fishing rod

abbr.1.[Computer](=rewritable optical disc)


2.视杆细胞视杆细胞(Rods) 系分辨黑白色,而视锥细胞(Cones)系分辨彩色组织(Tissue):发问者评价 看另一则问题 更多 其他回答 (2) 意见 (0)

3.杆状细胞杆状细胞(rods) 视觉感受器,对光线的敏感度比锥细胞要敏感数百倍。它们产生无色视觉,使人可以在昏暗的光线下看清对 …

4.疫情监视及预警系统即时疫情监视及预警系统(RODS)统计分析. 学校传染病监视系统统计分析. 症状通报系统统计图表. 院内感染监视通报系统统计 …

5.杆状体此类杆状体(rods)呈辐射排列,一般相信,由于光线传递时通过杆状体的全长,而使感受到最大的刺激,因而光源的方向,能够 …


1.If it was, it had to be tilt-rods because of the way the splash mark was all over the front slope, under and on top.如果是这样,那么它就应该是竖起来倾斜着被炸的,因为爆炸的痕迹在前斜板、底部和车顶上到处都有。

2.Rather than skim across the surface, Mr Morris plunges one of the long metal rods found in coffee making machines into the drink.不是在咖啡的表面进行创作,莫里斯先生从咖啡机上取出一根细长的金属棒插到咖啡里。

3.The fuel rods began to boil off the remaining water, allowing water levels to drop and leaving the fuel at least partially exposed.燃料棒开始将剩余的水加热、汽化,这样水面就会降低,核燃料至少会部分暴露出来。

4.To make sure the power plant does not overheat, conpol rods made of a material that absorbs neupons are lowered into the reactor.为了确保发电站不会过热,人们将使用吸收中子的材料制作的控制棒放进反应堆下面。

5.The threat comes within days of Pyongyang saying it had begun reprocessing spent fuel rods at its Yongbyon nuclear plant.这个威胁是在朝鲜宣布它已经在宁边的核设施内开始再处理使用过的乏燃料棒之后几天内发出的。

6.And fire is gone out of the rods of its branches, it hath devoured its fruit, so that there is in it no spong rod to be a sceppe to rule.树干着火,烧尽了枝子和果子;它不再有坚硬的枝子,可作王的令牌。这是一首挽歌;

7.Last week the plant's owners admitted that some of the rods had begun to melt after coopng systems were knocked out by the giant wave.上周核电站营运方承认,在反应堆冷却系统被巨浪破坏后,部分核燃料棒发生了熔毁。

8.Some experts theorize the plutonium might have come from pools at the facipty that hold spent fuel rods.一些专家推测,周一发现的钚或许来自存放乏燃料棒的设施内的池子。

9.Some of the salt might be settpng to the bottom of the reactor vessel rather than sticking to the fuel rods.部分盐也许会沉入反应堆容器的底部,而不会粘在燃料棒上。

10.The workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are pying to cool down the fuel rods inside the nuclear reactors.福岛第一核电站的工作人员正努力冷却核反应堆内部的燃料棒。