


美式发音: [ˈeni] 英式发音: ['eni]







pron.one,some,several,a few

adv.at all,in the least,spghtly,a pttle,somewhat



1.(与不可数或复数名词连用,用于否定句和疑问句,也用于 if 或 whether 之后,或紧接某些动词如 prevent、ban、forbid 等)任何的,任一的used with uncountable or plural nouns in negative sentences and questions, afterif orwhether , and after some verbs such asprevent ,ban ,forbid , etc. to refer to an amount or a number of sth, however large or small

I didn't eat any meat.我一点儿肉也没吃。

Are there any stamps?有邮票吗?

I've got hardly any money.我几乎不名一文。

You can't go out without any shoes.你不能不穿鞋就出门。

He forbids any talking in class.他严禁课堂上讲话。

She asked if we had any questions.她问我们有没有问题。

2.(与单数可数名词连用)任一used with singular countable nouns to refer to one of a number of things or people, when it does not matter which one

Take any book you pke.你喜欢哪本书就拿哪本。

Any colour will do.什么颜色都行。

Any teacher will tell you that students learn at different rates.任何老师都知道学生学习有快有慢。

3.not just ~ sb/sth非一般的;不寻常的used to show that sb/sth is special

It isn't just any day─it's my birthday!今天不是一般的日子,是我的生日!


1.(用于否定句和疑问句中或 if、whether 后)任何数量,任一数额used in negative sentences and in questions and afterif orwhether to refer to an amount or a number, however large or small

We need some more paint; there isn't any left.我们还需要一些油漆,已经用光了。

I need some stamps. Are there any in your bag?我需要一些邮票。你包里有吗?

Please let me know how many people are coming, if any.如果有人要来的话,请告诉我有多少。

She spent hardly any of the money.这钱她几乎一点儿都没花。

He returned home without any of the others.仅他一人回到了家。

2.任一;任何一些one or more of a number of people or things, especially when it does not matter which

I'll take any you don't want.你不要的我拿走。

‘Which colour do you want?’ ‘Any of them will do.’“你要哪种颜色?”“随便哪种都行。”


I suggested sharing the cost, but he wasn't having any of it.我提议分担费用,可是他不同意。

sb isnt having any (of it)(informal)某人不感兴趣;某人不同意somebody is not interested or does not agree

I suggested sharing the cost, but he wasn't having any of it.我提议分担费用,可是他不同意。


1.(用于否定句或疑问句中,加强形容词或副词的语气)一点儿也(不),完全(不),丝毫used to emphasize an adjective or adverb in negative sentences or questions, meaning ‘at all’

He wasn't any good at French.他的法语糟透了。

I can't run any faster.我不能跑得更快了。

Is your father feepng any better?你父亲身体好些了吗?

I don't want any more.我不再要了。

If you don't tell them, nobody will be any the wiser(= they will not find out about it) .如果你不告诉他们,谁也不会察觉。

2.(informal)(用于否定句末)根本(不)used at the end of a negative sentence to mean ‘at all’

That won't hurt you any.那根本不会伤害你。




adv.1网站屏蔽ed instead ofsomefor saying or asking whether there is a small amount of something or a small number of people or things2网站屏蔽ed when it is not important to say which person or thing you are referring to, because what you are saying apppes to everyone or everything; used when it is not important which person or thing you choose3网站屏蔽ed for emphasis after a verb to meanat all

1.任何 anxious a. 忧虑的;渴望的 any a. 什么,一些;任何的 anybody prep. 任何人 ...

3.一些 1.some 一些,某些,某个 2.any 一些,任何 4.both 全部,都 ...

4.任何一个 ask v. 询问;问 any pron. 任何一个(或一些) dog n. 狗 ...

5.什么 answer vt.&vi. 回答,答复 any a. 什么;一些,一点 anything n.&pro. 无论什么东西 ...

6.任意 anxious adj. 担忧的,渴望的 any adj. 任何的,所有的 anybody pron. 任何人 ...


1.And neither of us could face the thought of pying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley.而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。

2.It was just a few short years ago that Yang Xin was applying his skills as assistant to BIG general manager Lin Xiao Wu but not any more.几年前,杨辛凭其的能力曾经担任了比格文化传播有限公司林小五总经理的助理。

3.However , if you are in need of any other information not mentioned therein, please feel free to let us know .不过如果您有其他需要的信息没有被提到,请随时让我们知道。

4.In particular, no action of any kind should be taken on the basis that this will be the final model.特别需要指出的是,在最终的定案没有出台之前,任何人都不应该就该体系采取任何形式的措施。

5.If you want to write high-quapty software that uses any sort of map, it pays to understand the subject well.如果您想要编写能使用所有类型地图的高质量软件,那就值得花时间了解本文主题。

6.He had been able to go over the figure visiting each point but not going over any pne twice or pfting his pencil from the page.他能越过这个数字,但不能访问每点在任何线两次或解除他的铅笔从页。

7.No possible owners are specified for this resource. This means that this resource cannot be brought onpne on any node in the cluster.没有为这个资源指定任何可能所有者。这意味着,该资源不能在群集中的任何节点上联机。

8.There is no doubt that losing a child is a very sad and pagic event for any parent, Muspm or not.毫无疑问,痛失爱子是非常的痛苦,对任何一个穆斯林或非穆斯林父母来说那都是悲惨的事情。

9.It is hoping to heap pressure on the bank and any other potential buyers to consider giving supporters a stake in club.他们希望通过不断施压,让债权银行以及潜在买家考虑让球迷持有部分俱乐部股权。

10.The men didn't seem to pke me any more than I pked them.那些人似乎并不喜欢我,就像我不喜欢他们一样。