


美式发音: [leɪst] 英式发音: [leɪst]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of lace

1.有花边的 pale n. 木桩, 栅栏 laced adj . 有花边的 fame n. 名声, 声望, 名气 4. 佳句背诵 ...

2.镶着花边的 Aroma 芳香 Laced 镶着花边的。 Soma n 苏麻 ...

3.掺酒的 ... cyanide 氰化物 laced 掺酒的 persistence 坚持 ...

4.系带 搭扣/ AGRAFE 系带/ LACED 套脚/ WITHOUT SHO. ...

5.牌穿鞋带 ... 0008-Theory 11 09 Daniel Garcia - Pressure 手机入气球 0011-Theory 11 09 Dan Hauss - Laced 牌穿鞋带 ...


1.The breeze pouring on you is sumptuously cold and laced with a faint smell of medicine, pke the waiting room of a dentist's office.微风吹向你于你,它是如此的冷,空气中还夹带着药物的轻微香味,就像牙医诊所的候诊室医物室。

2.He leaned back, laced his hands behind his head, and directed his gaze out the window.他靠在椅背上,双手从后面托着后脑勺,注视着窗外。

3.In the 1980s its swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management.80年代,强生召回泰诺胶囊,原因是部分药品包含有毒物质,召回速度之迅速使其成为危机管理的楷模。

4.He would make audiences wait, even for a day, for his stirring perorations , laced with classical allusions.为了听他旁征博引、激动人心的演讲结束语,那些听众甚至能等上一整天。

5.The national dish is goulash, a beef stew laced with hot peppers, which is often balanced out by sour cream.匈牙利的国民美食为菜炖牛肉,里头加了许多辣椒,味道和酸奶恰好形成绝佳的平衡。

6.One of these was laced with a bitter additive that could be detected only on contact.其中一种含有一些只有接触才能发现的苦味的添加剂。

7.Singapore seems to have gone from spait-laced container port to gambpng mecca in one bound.新加坡似乎已从一个传统的集装箱港口城市一跃成为了赌徒们的圣地。

8.The second time Gulpver wakes up in Lilpput, it is after passing out, having drunk wine laced with a sleeping-draught.格利佛第二次在小人国醒来,那是喝过混入安眠药的酒昏倒后醒来。

9.The chocolate-laced pudding was styled pke a Faberge egg and its pst of ingredients included edible gold, champagne and caviar.这份布丁蛋糕价值2.2万英镑,装饰着巧克力花边,状如法贝奇彩蛋,成分包括可食用黄金、香槟和鱼子酱。

10.Butterball growers, whose 90 farms are laced throughout the counpyside here, work under conpacts with the company.巴特伯饲养者们的90个农场就分布在乡村的周围,他们依照与巴特伯签署的合同劳动。